@Milwaukee Bucks



by TheOtakuway


  1. TheOtakuway

    Something about players from Chicago and injuries.

  2. GuybrushThreepwoot

    OMG this look so old, almost like a photo from the 90s.

    Bucks have come a long way.

  3. IndycarFan64

    Iirc wasn’t Parker super close to being an All Star in 2017 but lost the last spot to like Milsap

  4. Squeakerpants

    I didn’t want Parker because of an admitted bias that mormon players are soft. If I were GM we wouldn’t have fared any better though, because I wanted Exum instead.

    In hindsight I think we should have traded down for Philly’s two later picks and selected both Lavine and Jokic instead. Time travel GM would dominate the NBA.

  5. iamsatisfactory

    How did Jabari fool everyone? How did nobody know that he felt his offense was so good that he didn’t need to play defense? He came out and said exactly that later, but there wasn’t any sign beforehand that he had zero interest in playing D? Or that he was a selfish player more likely to dribble into a double team than hit the open man with a pass? I’ll always be heated we wasted a #2 pick on this bum. Injuries may have officially ended his career, but his shit attitude and lack of BB IQ were a contributing factor as well.

  6. Stunning_Campaign_10

    And now one of them runs the league

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