@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Jon Krawczynski] No one wants to hear this, but it’s clear this illness has ravaged the Wolves. Towns said it hit him hard. Edwards was throwing up at halftime and laying in the tunnel when he was not in the game. Rivers wasn’t even there tonight. Horrible timing.

[Jon Krawczynski] No one wants to hear this, but it’s clear this illness has ravaged the Wolves. Towns said it hit him hard. Edwards was throwing up at halftime and laying in the tunnel when he was not in the game. Rivers wasn’t even there tonight. Horrible timing.

by irishace88


  1. HauntingLocation

    Cursed fucking season. Gotta hope we can make a run in the play-in unless we win out.

  2. scofieldslays

    Ant didn’t smile the entire game. that’s when I knew this was bad

  3. Sam7sung

    Yeah I’ve never seen KAT that slow before. Ant obviously didn’t like like himself and I thought Slowmo wasn’t himself either

  4. irishace88

    Ant has played through so much shit year. Nothing but respect for him, especially playing in today’s NBA where resting is very common.

  5. Gbaby245

    Ant already had his hands on his knees a minute into the 2nd half. Completely torched

  6. twinsguy1

    I mean, I want to hear it. It’s hard to get frustrated by the loss given this info

  7. Able-Bodied-Virgin

    I don’t want to hear anyone getting on our guys. I’m proud of them for trying to compete. There’s *a lot* of players who wouldn’t have tried to play with the symptoms they have. KAT said he didn’t eat today and has been having the chills and night sweats.

    I can barely get out of bed when I’m sick lol

  8. MannerSuperb

    It was sad the watch the team was completely gashed they tried as hard as they got jus ravaged

  9. aubades

    The Karl quote just made me so damn sad for these guys. Sounds truly awful. Wishing them all big bowls of chicken soup and being able to dominate the Blazers on Sunday early enough to tap out and let the bench crew take it home

  10. Man, brutal time for a serious flu to decimate your roster.

  11. Able-Bodied-Virgin

    Also, can someone post this in r/nba to stop some of the clownery lol

    (I was perma-banned in 2016 for Rick-Rolling. Not kidding)

  12. larrylegend33goat

    Sounds like an AoE DoT spell cast on whole team. Adam Silver using dark magic no doubt

  13. ItsTeetzMcGee

    You can tell they are all for Minnesota, because for those of us who drove home in this shitty weather, and for those of you who are about to wake up to this shitty weather, Mother Nature Minnesota Dick Punched us!!! I will not give up on this team just like I won’t give up on Mother Nature!! We can still do this! Shovel this shitty snow without having a heart attack and BEAT Portland! BEAT Brooklyn, BEAT the Spurs, and BEAT NO!! Just win!

  14. ChessyLogic

    50 Cent has no idea what he’s taking on

  15. nhthelegend

    Not only that, but their teammate who’s been on a career best tear just broke his wrist right as the team was finally looking fully constituted and right in the thick of the playoff push. That has to be demoralizing along with the whole team being sick.

  16. penis_hernandez

    I am mad but i can’t be mad at them. This season has been nothing but shit breaks.

  17. Costal_groove

    Wow. Heroic performance. Im surprised he was able to survive without having to receive IV antibiotics at every timeout. Lol

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