@Milwaukee Bucks

This kinda fucks us for the next couple offseasons ?

This kinda fucks us for the next couple offseasons ?

by TheOtakuway


  1. Vegetable-Bonus-8452

    Yeah. NBA want to punish well-run teams.

  2. Competitive_Quiet179

    Not really tbh

    Like you don’t get major title run contributors in the buyout market

  3. hooper_93

    A lot of the reported adjustments to the CBA are screwing the Bucks in their current situation

  4. HigHinSpace12

    Because we can’t buy 2nd round picks? Or mortgage our post-Giannis future?

  5. BingTheDoodleBoo

    Not being able to sign buyout players? Really?

  6. MacDemarcoMurray

    this is meant to stop teams like the warriors from dominating but really it hurts small market teams like us. classic nba

  7. the_greasy_one

    Doom and gloom…. lol, we’ll be fine. The cap is going to go up against next season too.

  8. kyleb402

    It’s honestly insane how bad this CBA is for us.

    It legitimately feels like it was designed specifically to screw us over.

    If Middleton and Carter opt in we’re like 5 million under the apron with 8 players.

    Lopez is better than anyone you’d realistically get with the TPMLE, so you re-sign him.

    Then you might as well re-sign Crowder too since the Lopez deal puts you above the apron anyway and you can’t replace him because you have no TPMLE available. So that’s 10 players under contract.

    The Bucks have limited draft assets and now you can’t buy 2nds so there’s no way to improve the team that way.

    Even if you wanted to make a trade now you can’t take back more money than you send out so that limits you a lot.

    So now if you’re the Bucks you’re stuck at 10 players on the roster, can’t sign anyone with an exception, have no picks and can’t buy any, your roster is seriously aging and you have no choice but to bring those guys back because you have no way of replacing them, and you have to fill out your roster with what 5 minimum contracts?

    I don’t think it’s possible to accurately describe how much this hurts the Bucks.

  9. Realistically this is our last year contending with this core anyway we’re way too old. Might actually be a blessing in disguise because we might pivot to 2024 free agency instead.

  10. Jetergreen

    Marion’s development and panning out becomes even bigger. Needs to be a solid rotation player by year three. Bullish he’ll get there but no guarantee.

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