@National Basketball Association

[Charania] Game changer: The league’s new collective bargaining agreement will give players the ability to invest in NBA and WNBA teams, as well as promote and/or invest in sports betting and cannabis companies, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

[Charania] Game changer: The league’s new collective bargaining agreement will give players the ability to invest in NBA and WNBA teams, as well as promote and/or invest in sports betting and cannabis companies, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.



  1. lopea182

    >…as well as **promote and/or invest in sports betting** and cannabis companies, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

    Uhhh… 🚩🚩🚩

  2. FudgeDangerous2086

    players promoting gambling. can’t see how this will go well.

  3. Elec7ro

    This better be an April fools joke or this league is fucked.

  4. BigusDickus099

    I don’t believe shit today. Check back tomorrow

    April 1st is the worst for serious news.

  5. InAingeWeTrust

    Investing in NBA teams?? While currently playing? Shocked they allowed this

  6. magna77

    And here’s the reason the players agreed to the other trash things in the CBA

  7. Insertnicenamehere

    Is promoting/investing in sports betting not a massive conflict of Interest?

  8. pagonator

    Lmaooo please tell me this is a April Fool’s joke

  9. iwillbombu

    Stars gonna start investing in teams and then just team up there and drive up the value of their shares

  10. ILoveZimsD

    Certainly there’s no way this could backfire

  11. guitmusic12

    The sports betting is incredibly problematic

  12. Wekilledit88

    Investing in sports betting companies? Fuck off, man. Refs are already blatantly trying to skew games towards the spread. Players investing, which I know may not seem wild, has the potential to be fucking terrible. Dark money style shit. The conflicts of interest that are incoming are about to fuck this league up to crazy levels. This may be the worst CBA in American sports history. My fucking god. I thought Gary Bettman and the NHL was a joke, but the NBA makes them look competent. And yes I keep editing this comment because this is fucking bonkers, I keep having new things to say about it and I am unhinged.

  13. winter-r0se

    can’t be serious.. how does betting have this much of a chokehold on the nba? from inappropriate commercials to commentators placing their “bets” to promote the sites to now this

    only money matters. fuck everything else right

  14. Investing in WNBA teams and cannabis companies: Good

    Being able to invest in sports betting and NBA teams: Bad

    Unless this is only for retired players then it’s not a big deal.

  15. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    Adam Silver is legitimately ruining the NBA. It’s time for him to go.

  16. gustriandos

    Players endorsing sports betting is an *extremely* odd look

  17. HoelEmbellyDancer

    I’m sure we’ll see plenty of the players who complain about fans heckling them about their bets be happy to accept the right bag if a gambling site throws it at them

    The industry makes far too much money to stop and nothing will be done about it as long as it can be argued that gambling is a relatively harmless vice compared to drugs and alcohol

  18. echoecho25

    When does the new CBA start? Also they need to get rid of Cj and Grant Williams they are absolutely horrific.

  19. SPARKisnumber1

    This is genuinely very bad and going to result in serious mistrust of players with conflicting interests in sports betting. I get sports betting is a huge money maker but idk

  20. MagicMoocher

    Calvin Ridley just got suspended for a whole year in the NFL for betting on games. Does Adam Silver think that NBA players partnering with sports books won’t have the same outcome?? This league is so fucking cooked LMAO

  21. 0dias_Chrysalis

    We are about to see the most fraudulent season ever next season

  22. ddottay

    Investing in sports betting as active players? The fuck?

  23. YoungNissan

    Players are now allowed to promote betting companies????? What the fuck.

  24. kyleb402

    As if the NBA doesn’t already have enough issues with fans and even players thinking the games are rigged of influenced by gambling.

  25. RUBEN4iK

    Damn, it always felt strange how late USA was to the overall trend of the betting industry..

    And now when sports in Europe are already trying to fight it (albeit slowly), NBA is going full swing.

  26. Squeakerpants

    Can’t wait to see an NBA finals where the top player on a team is also part owner of the opposing team.

  27. AleroRatking

    Oh great. Sports betting. Works so so well. Poor Bradley Beal.

  28. EliteTikiTaka

    Investing in Draft Kings then going 5/17 in a crucial Game 5 is definitely gonna be interesting, lol.

  29. Hyperactivity786

    This is absolutely the worst change in the CBA, far worse than anything else, and outweighs all the good changes.

    What a fucking joke.

  30. theopression

    Players being able to work with sports gambling companies seems like such a terrible idea lmao

  31. Mygaffer

    The more I read about this CBA the less I like it.

  32. The_Box_muncher

    Time to start betting unders boys

  33. Shiccup1

    Our society is falling to a degenerate pile of trash where gambling and weed are marketed to kids through athletes lmao

  34. I_Bench315

    Gambling is ruining professional sports

  35. califournya

    I hate almost nothing as much as I hate all this gambling shit. It is a cancer on our society.

    I can’t wait til it goes wrong and gets banned again.

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