@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Is Getting Angry But The Mavericks Don’t Care

Luka is angry but the Mavericks don’t care. ✅ WIN 2 PLAYOFF TICKETS Click to join my Sorare NBA League today and win 2 Playoff Tickets for my Limited Contender Competition


While the Mavericks were supposed to take the next step, Luka Doncic isn’t happy. In fact he’s angry and looks defeated, not as defeated as the Mavericks were when they lost to the second worst team in the NBA Hornets in back to back games with former Maverick Dennis Smith Jr talking his talk

And while the Mavericks have seemingly become even worse after adding Kyrie, the issue goes much deeper than one trade.

Yeah, the Mavericks are currently the 11th seed in the West, below .500 despite Luka averaging 33 points, 8.6 rebounds, and 8.1 assists.

They’re 6th in offense and an ugly 23rd on defense. There’s a whole lot of my turn – your turn basketball, with Kyrie standing in the corner.

Kyrie is looking even more miserable on the Mavs than he did on the Nets.

Now Luka’s said that there are things going outside of basketball. Not sure exactly what’s going on, but we can easily see the frustration in the on the court activities.

Before this season, the Mavericks were ranked the 8th best team in the NBA.

This lineup is supposed to go far?

Again, putting a lot on Luka’s shoulders. And I get it, you could say Luka is only 23, the team hasn’t had enough time to build around him. Luka’s been averaging 28 points since his second season. By 2020, Luka had already hit game winners in the playoffs and averaged a near triple double. He’s already a 4 time All-Star. Which means the Mavericks have had 3 years to a lineup around him and came up with this.

But even before the trade, the defense this season took a big step back from the year before, going from 7th to 24th. The Mavs relied on a fine balance of defense and shooting from wings like Bullock and Finney Smith, but they still didn’t have any rim protection. Javale Mcgee has only played 38 games on off dealing with injury.

Without Finney Smith, now perimeter players are doing whatever they want. They’re forced to go with offense heavy lineups leaving them with no interior defense, rim protection or shot blocking.

Sure the most recent mistake was Jalen Brunson. **Thank you by the way, really helped us out.** Now Brunson is a borderline All-star level player and his 4 year $104 million contract seems like a steal for the Knicks, but the Mavericks could have gotten him for $14 million a season in 2021. Yeah, but they wanted flexibility to have cap space to sign new people. But what people did they sign? Spencer Dinwiddie?

But that’s not even their only mistake. The Mavericks have a history of failing in building teams.

But even with this, Jason Kidd never had Luka’s attention. Remember when Luka got out of shape. No like really out of shape last season . Jason Kidd tried to tell Luka to lose weight, but he said that “it goes in one ear and out the other” but when Reggie Miller called Luka out on it, Luka acknowledged it, lost a lot of weight, and told Miller, “Understood”. Kidd thanked Reggie but

This isn’t to say that Luka isn’t at fault. Like I’ve said before, if you’re the best player on your team, you have a choice of being a leader, especially if there’s no other voice in the locker room. Complaining constantly, looking dejected, all of that is going to trickle down to other team members.

The Mavericks have landed a superstar, a generational talent, and don’t know what to do. They have made mistake after mistake and are unable to do anything and at this point, Luka is just done.


  1. J Kidd is just an ineffective coach. No way he didn't call a timeout that one game and proceeded to justify his decision by saying hes watching the game just like the fans.

  2. Luka has the ball too much. That's the number 1 problem. His high numbers come from toooooooo many shot attempts and holding on to the ball all the time.

  3. Adding two players with very similar playing style and skillsets doesn’t mean you double the effectiveness…. It just adds to diminishing returns. Kyrie is worth what they gave up… just not on this Mavs team.

  4. Kyrie, Jason Kidd, and anyone involved in talent acquisition need to gtfo. Probably Luka too at this point

  5. Who told Kyrie Luka was athletic? bruh wanted a duo like him and bron but forgot luka is a shifty kyle anderson

  6. all they need is decent big man and they'll be fine, they have 3 and players already but their PF aren't big enough and their center isn't good/ healthy enough

  7. Or maybe, just MAYBE, the issue is luka. He seems to be the common denominator. I get it he’s great and all. But he’s a better version of James harden imo. And James harden is still ringless as well. I see Lukas career mirroring his. He won’t win a chip in Dallas. And eventually become a journey man.

  8. it all started when you try to fix something that isn’t broken in the first place and thats giving up Brunson

  9. I think part of the problem is Luka can't be expected to do everything, and yet is also a massive ball hog who gets titled after like a millisecond which also doesn't help him.

  10. No D or boards? I argue you can’t win without those.. especially D?? I’m not a fan of coach. It’s not kyrie, he’s just the media scapegoat. He’s also a magician nor going to fix D or boards..

  11. Hopefully embid or jaylen brown get unhappy. Either one of them with luka would be crazy.

  12. Mavericks will be fine. This off-season they should let kyrie walk and sign jerami grant and caris levert. But they still need a solid center. Maybe nurkic also via trade.

  13. He got beat by my Heat tonite. Believe it or not, the mavs shot 62% and Luka got 42 points. And still lost lol.

  14. My advice to Luka is this grow up get in shape get fit get stronger faster and act like a superstar you are suppose to be a franchise player.

    Luka is by far in the worst shape of any superstars in the NBA. He is slow he doesn’t add any speed to Dallas no transition points Jokic is a faster player and in better shape than Luka.

    Jokic has more transition offence points than Luka does. Luka is in horrible shape mentally and physically and you can see it on the court he has fits like a child he behaves like a teenager he is slow and tired half the time he is ball watching. He could get away with that in Europe but not in the NBA.

    I said this 2 years ago about Luka and everyone laughed at me called me a hater. Luka needs to get fit he needs to hit the gym get in better shape also eat better and than once he is mentally physically strong nobody can affect him in the game not refs or players when he is so focused and strong on the court physically like Giannis like Lebron like Jokic like Embid.

    Luka is embarrassing the Mavs organisation the way he is acting and playing and behaving right now. He needs to take some accountability get in a seriously good shape and that way he can speed up his game and help the Mavs on both ends not just spend 20 min a game complaining and having fits like a child who didn’t get his candy.

  15. Dallas Mavericks is what I watch news updates on because this is crazy. Remember that game on Christmas? Woww and I'm in Los Angeles. Not a natural Mavs fan but I like Luka and this story is shocking

  16. 1. Ball possession: ball is too many minutes at Luka's possession. Other players are merely extras, spectators, not feeling the ball, they don't create. Basketball is collective game, all players must be evolved but with the ball and creating, not just making screens. Put a two or three super players and you have potentially a championship contender.
    Who is to blame – coaching staff not recognizing this. Remember, Kidd was a star player with lot's of ball possession. He can't well understand feelings of other (neglected) players.

    2. Luka saying publicly that he is not feeling well on the court – well, that is a huge red flag for coaching staff. Don't they talk??? And before they go public?

  17. Problem with great European players like Jokic, Giannis, and Luka. Even great ones before like Manu and Dirk. They really only play for 1 team their whole life. I really hope Luka changes this, especially with how bad Dallas has fucked the roster up

  18. Luka and Kyrie are scoring machines but there's gonna be a conflict and it's not gonna work if 1 of them wouldn't step down. Somebody has got to be off the bench and help the 2nd unit and embrace the role of a 6th man, and it ain't gonna be Luka.

  19. Well I feel Luka is mot going to be the future of the Franchise never would have been either you guys in this NBA world prop people up to early in thier careers Ad,Zion,Kahwi and player
    Like this have in my opinion become busts even thou the potential was always there just is not the same NBA of the past its just straight facts not willing to put there bodies on the line.

  20. Anthony Davis and whoever for luka…would put the lebron's Lakers into the top 3 in the NBA

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