@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks are the worst rebounding team in the NBA by a long shot. Rebounding this bad falls on coaching not personnel.

Mavericks are the worst rebounding team in the NBA by a long shot. Rebounding this bad falls on coaching not personnel.

by geargarcon


  1. dougaryman

    It’s both, but it probably leans personnel…

  2. papadondon

    what? are you serious? are you a cwood fan?

  3. RobPelinkasBurner

    Yeah the coaches should be out there grabbing some boards…

  4. geargarcon

    There is a total of 8.5 rebounds separating the 1st team in rebounding differential and the 28th team. There is almost 2 rebs/game between the 28th place team and Dallas!!!

    Watching games it’s clear that this team isn’t coached to box out. They don’t even try to find a man and seal them. They aren’t taught to crash the boards. Everyone stands there and waits for the ball to come to them. It’s obvious this is not a priority set by the coaches practice. If it were they would be giving effort and would be getting beat. These are things that can be taught and should be taught by coaches.

    What a difference it would make if they could even get 20th place. That would be 5 more rebounds a game which could either limit offensive putbacks for the other team or turn into extra possessions for the Mavs. You convert even 2 of those five and suddenly you have an extra 4 pts a game.

    It’s ludicrous to me that an NBA coaching staff is 80 games into the season and has done nothing to address this.


    for those saying this can’t be on the coaches read the 2nd paragraph above. If you’ve played organized ball at any competitive level you know there are drills coaches will run you through to teach this. With the right blockout you can easily get a rebound against a guy 5” taller.

    My coach would have us almost to the point of fights in practice going for the ball and the loser would run sprints.

    Edit 2:

    Obviously most people commenting have never played more than pickup

  5. SennKazuki

    Our entire team sans Luka is literally butterfingers, so many times we just tapped the rebound away lmao.

  6. Our point guard is the best rebounder on the team

  7. archerarcher0

    How does rebounding fall on coaching lmao

  8. milksteak-

    I looked up the previous 12 games and opposing teams out-rebounded us by -59 offensive rebounds.

  9. teeth4wolf

    Yeah, why aren’t the coaches boxing out!

  10. TheChosenOne311

    Lol…how? A truly absurd conclusion.

    We can’t have legit discussions about the state of this team if you guys are so focused on turning Kidd into the boogie man in every situation.

  11. botebote77

    it’s probably both. actually a coach can affect rebounding. too much switching, making the bigs switch to guards will pull out the bigs away from the paint. but then it’s not like Powell and Maxi are grabbing boards either. it’s both coaching and personnel

  12. RyceMenace

    I hate Jason Kidd as a coach but he can’t do much about rebounding. It’s crazy cause we were still a top 8 defensive team when we were 24th in rebounding last year. Year 2 Kidd is a bottom 2 coach of all time

  13. Blabbit39

    Personnel matters but the coaching is to blame for a lot of things being worse than they should have been

  14. SpiritualNut

    I saw the heat get three or four shots on the basket in one possession numerous times

  15. armandocalvinisius


  16. tequilamigo

    Haha I mean Kidd has faults but rebounding is about effort ON the court. Smh

  17. YoStepWithLuka77

    It’s all personnel lmao you realize we have Dwight maxi javale and wood as our front court right lol

  18. juanopenings

    “At center, from Stanford University… DWIGHT POWELL!!”

  19. CowImmediate2631

    Well Kidd refuses to play 2 bigs so that’s definitely on coaching

    Cant expect to rebound with Bullock and THJ at the 4

  20. blanfredblann

    The scheme always leaves the bigs out of position. But yes, it’s both. It’s a dreadful defensive scheme.

  21. Butterfly_Scape

    rockets i apologize i wasn’t familiar with your game

  22. bloodydingbat

    Dwight fucking Trex Arms is a problem too.

  23. InformationSavings36

    How isnt it kidds fault? He plays small the entire game and refuses to play mcgee who has proven just his size can be a massive difference maker when every team is literally hunting dp for free layups and offensive rebounds

  24. Lman186

    Yeah you’re completely wrong. Rebounding this bad is literally not fixable by coaching. I guess J-Kidd just needs to tell Powell to try harder against bam? Lmao gtfoh

  25. Ok-Performance9178

    How do you blame the coach for this? 😭😭😭

  26. Quacklan

    Obviously Dwight Powell would have 14 RPG if we had a different coach

  27. LongwoodChong

    aight i’m all for Kidd slander, but are personel is dog shit . Powell, for one, is a raw prospect STILL. holy shit he’s fast and 6’9 (who Fucking Cares). he is one of the worst shot creators i ve seen. doesn’t know how to utilize his speed. don’t get me started on Javale Mcgee. either . grade A BUM

  28. dragonwhale

    People keep making excuses about the personnel for Kidd.

    There are coaches with FO’s that want to tank but are doing better than Kidd.

    OKC have been running 18 year olds all year and lack a true center like us. Guess what? They play hard as hell. That’s coaching.

    And there are a lot of teams that have similar amounts of wins to us BUT THEY ALL HAVE FO’S THAT ARE IN FULL TANK MODE.

    Stop making excuses for Kidd. If your team is historically bad at rebounding. That’s not a talent problem. That’s a scheme problem and honestly the other team is always hustling more than the Mavs. Again, that’s a coaching problem.

    When Kyrie arrived. Team was actually playing really well. But we still lost most games because Kidd decided all of a sudden to play a couple of guys that had barely played this season. Out of complete blue we were running Luka, Pinson, Hardy, Bullock and Mcgee lineups. Those lineups tanked a couple of games in a row where we were doing REALLY well when just playing the regular guys.

    He’s also had weird rotations all season. Playing Wood 30 min and then next game 10 min. He did stuff like that all season.

    Kidd is not a good coach. He took over a team that had insane chemistry and lucked out on a West with a couple of strong teams being crippled due to injuries and stuff. We could have easily gotten the Warriors instead of the Suns in the 2nd round and gotten destroyed there due to horrible schemes. We lost that series just like we lost this season. GETTING MURDERED on rebounds.

    Please for the love of god can this fanbase not make the same mistake like with Brunson and actually realize this time what is good for this team? Cuban is too much of a bitch to fire Kidd. Fanbase needs to push for it hard. Don’t make the WCF run fool ya.

  29. cornbreadsdirtysheet

    Shocker no fucking playable Center since Tyson Chandler…….the FO has historically been ass on this team nothing new.

  30. segson9

    Well players like Cody Zeller are killing us in the paint every single game. Powell shouldn’t even be a 2nd center on and NBA team, yet he’s out starting center.

    But we don’t really have a lot to choose from. McGee should probably play more, but he’s one of the dumbest players in the league. Wood is talented, but is only playing for his stats. And Maxi just came back from serious injury and he’s not really a center.

  31. LittleHollowGhost

    As a Rockets fan, being on the opposite side of a list means you must be doing something right.

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