@Portland Trail Blazers

Sharpe switches hands midair to finish around Gobert

Sharpe switches hands midair to finish around Gobert

by Kazekid


  1. dootzmoe

    Sharpes growth has looked exponential at the end of the year here. I wonder if he’s starts at 2 next year, baring a trade involving Ant this summer

  2. _milf_cheek_clapper_

    Reminds me of Roy and MJ for sure. Kid is learning really fast with more minutes. He looks like a completely different player out there in terms of confidence.

  3. frugalmanpdx

    Smart player, using his hands and his head

  4. Mr-B-Hizzle

    Kid is special. Exactly why he shouldn’t be dealt under any circumstances. Looking at some of you.

  5. GaviFromThePod

    Every game this guy shows us something we haven’t seen him do yet.

  6. EasySky7435

    I can’t remember if Dame at 19 was this gifted. This rook is who the Blazers need to build around. What is his ceiling. What will he look like when he’s 24. I see superstar player and if management trades for anyone it better be Giannis not slow Embid. Don’t even think of trading to the Fakers

  7. DoodImalasagnahog

    Don’t want to be a snitch – cause that was sick – but that’s definitely a travel

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