@Sacramento Kings

The Sacramento Kings Play Soft At Home | Locked On Kings

Matt George reacts to the Sacramento Kings’ loss to the San Antonio Spurs & why he’s concerned about how the Kings play at home when it comes to playoff time. Plus, hear some telling comments from Kings head coach Mike Brown.

The Sacramento Kings Play Soft At Home


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  1. Horrendous effort they should be ashamed of the way they played the spurs did whatever they want they need to be way better and way more focused

  2. The way they play at home almost makes me wish they didn't have home court advantage

  3. It’s on the players but the Sacramento media created this sense of achievement that this team fed into,as if they won a championship.When all they did was clinch a playoff spot.I’m tired of hearing throughout the season”it’s just one of those games “.This should have been nipped in the bud a long time ago.The lack of effort to go to the ground for continuous lose balls,players standing around when the ball is bouncing just a reach away .The reluctance to get physical before the ball handler drives to the basket.The narrative from the media towards the players needs to be ,ACT LIKE YOU BEEN THERE,ALTHOUGH WE KNOW THIS MEDIA HASN’T.We needed a veteran playoff proven type leadership to teach these young players how to act.It’s absent.Jim Jackson,Vernon Maxwell,Corliss Williamson.Major attitude change needed in offseason.50 wins was my goal and hope for this team.Nothing less than titles is acceptable. It’s clear what this team needs to get to the next level.

  4. I was sitting court side and I really wanted too say hi too you but I didn’t want too bother you

  5. I am very concerned, it has been a minute since we have won against a real playoff team. It felt like the game against the wolves was just to much pressure for the kings and that is nothing of what pressure is to come.

    We can’t stop guys I have never heard of how do we expect to stop teams in the playoffs.

    I didn’t like that last 4th Q play either. Felt like we didn’t even try and run a play and just had to settle for a last second shot from Kevin H.

  6. Kings don't play soft a home, they have BAD defense. That will get you at home or on the road. There is much more to defense than what you see in the stats. When an opponent get through, there is absolutely no help or switch in the paint at all. In the offseason, we need to work on this big time.

  7. It was a great game but a bad result to an even worse team. Defense is the culprit. You will lose erratically whether it is a good team or a bad team if let a team score however they want. Once we figure out defense, we will be a serious championship contender. Imagine having the offense we have paired with good defense. We'd sweep a lot of teams.

  8. Just going thru the motions no urgency at all like they were there just to pick up their check and go home. They made a slight effort in the 4th but it was to late by then you can't pick an choose when you try to give some effort 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤔

  9. Still don’t know why people are making a big deal. The kings already exceeded our expectations by clinching a playoff spot. The kings are just horrendous on the defensive end, you don’t need stats to prove you can visually see how bad they are defensively. Though they’re making leaps in the right direction, it’s gonna take a couple years for them to become a deep playoff contender

  10. Some days I feel they can make a deep run, next day I feel like they won't escape the first round!

  11. It's weird I feel like they play better on the road than they do at home. If the defense doesn't get better the warriors could sweep us in the first round.

  12. Just want you guys to know that the kings are going to win negative two games in the playoffs. Wuined!!!!

  13. Ain't worried about it , our players were tired . I'm happy we're going to the playoffs with my head up high, light the beam

  14. I am so discussed that the Kings just can’t take home game seriously. Several times they have let us fans down when the game really matters. They upset me so much to point I don’t even want to spend money to see their games anymore. What is the point for me attend these last 2 home games hopping they would show playoff home court clinch means something but instead we get that home court man’s nothing to them. I am glad I did not go to the airport to show my respect to them if this is what we get in return.

  15. The defensive issues are glaring, you can’t play like this in the playoffs!

  16. I wonder if they feel the pressure of not disappointing home fans that’s causing them to play poorly at home. That said, shouldn’t it be difficult for opposing teams to get going offensively in loud arenas? Yet, it seems like G1C has been easy for them to play in.

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