@Oklahoma City Thunder

Most sane Sonics fan

I get being mad that the team moved, but man, I can’t imagine taking it so personally

by LimitlessTheTVShow


  1. Mission_Attention_53

    People like him makes me wish Seattle never gets a team again

  2. twrs_29

    I would like the sonics to get a team back but they’re the literal definition of a poverty franchise

  3. Lumpy_Ad_3355

    I live in Seattle. Clay Bennet the type of man to live in West Seattle or Shoreline instead of Cap Hill or Ballard.

  4. im_no_roy_donk

    Sonics fan have no business sense, or their emotion is clouding their sense of judgement.

  5. Imagine how sweet their tears are gonna be once we finally bring home a championship

  6. Mobile-Entertainer60

    I get why Sonics fans are salty they lost their team, but at the same time, Seattle voted down renovating Key Arena so Howard Schultz (a Seattle guy) got frustrated and sold the team. Clay Bennett was already a minority owner and alternate governor of the Spurs so there was a very high probability of his bid being accepted, and it was obvious from day 1 that he was interested in relocating the team to his home town. Sometimes, bluffs get called, and Seattle lost out.

  7. LG-SpaceCowboy

    “OKC needs to get over KD leaving it’s been years”

  8. Stayy_Salty_Seattle

    My friend you gotta link me these comments so I can get in that ass

  9. Unhappy_Promotion_81

    I’m from Seattle so I’ve always been a thunder/sonics fan.. I don’t understand why fans are mad about them leaving it just doesn’t make sense

  10. Any-Balance-3783

    Growing up in Atlanta I remember the Thrashers of the NHL relocating to Calgary. Sucked losing them I get the pain. Seattle deserves to be upset and to want their team back… but to be mad at OKC fans who love their team just as much as Seattleites loved their sonics is kinda backwards. Be mad at the billionaire owners, not fans that are just like you.

  11. im_no_roy_donk

    And as always they resort to the “enjoy living in Oklahoma” dig. Ok well enjoy the 5 consecutive days of rainfall and no sunlight.

  12. dogfan20

    Sonics fans will say some of the most toxic and hateful comments and get upvotes. It makes 0 sense.

    I used to feel bad for them, but to hate the fans and current team that is unrelated to the Sonic’s and the move… they’re pathetic.

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