@Utah Jazz

Jazz to honor Doc Anderson’s passing tonight

Often seen waving a rubber chicken or stomping and using a blow horn under the net.

Doc was an amazing fan that truly loved and supported the Jazz for many, many years.

Please give big love (and maybe a Kleenex) to his widow who will be in his seat tonight.

by bluesun_geo


  1. farcasticsuck

    RIP, part of my life. I watched as many KJAZZ games as possible while it was public TV, and cable. This guy was a FAN! Always part of the fan shots because he was so damn enthusiastic. It’s been fun to cheer for the Jazz that much. Damn it’s been hard to feel for them at the end of Every. Single. Season. This year is like the best spring ever. Lots of hope on this squad. Keep on cheering Doc!

  2. interval7886

    Would have been nice to win one before he died

  3. WindyHasStormyEyes

    My grandma was a hard core jazz fan. Wish she could’ve gotten some recognition before she died.

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