@Miami Heat

“He really reminds me of somebody when he gets in that mode down the stretch. I am not going to say who that is. I did mention it to him. I’ll let you guys figure that out.” – Coach Spo on Jimmy

“He really reminds me of somebody when he gets in that mode down the stretch. I am not going to say who that is. I did mention it to him. I’ll let you guys figure that out.” – Coach Spo on Jimmy

by IAmBatman412


  1. LowQualityShitpost97

    Jimmy is like a mix of Michael Jordan, Dwyane Wade and Jesus Christ

  2. Simple-Ad-7866

    So you’re telling there’s a chance that he might be Jordan’s Son?


  3. UsefulRush7322


  4. dmart411

    It’s MJ. And he is his long lost son so makes sense

  5. Moh_Shuvuu

    Why isn’t Jimmy a top 75 player of all time?

  6. susfring

    oh yeah we all know duncan robinson when he’s cooking

  7. Cockycent

    This reminds me of why I don’t get that down when Heat aren’t playing great. It just haven’t that low of when I used to watch a few seasons of Wade basically playing by himself before Bosh and Bron came.

    Whether it was the seasons where Wade went to the Bulls, first rd exit against Bucks or even this season, there is no pain like watching multiple streaks of losing 7+ games.

    This season is full of winnable games where this team let me down, but i’m not putting it over the 07 team. I was so down back then. They were on Myspace cooking me, but I made sure my whole page was Heat shit.

  8. GrandOleParity

    Spo to Jimmy:

    You yo daddy’s son!

  9. Practical_Use_1654

    Ben Simmons when he’s posting on r/antiwork.

  10. Phenom_Mv3

    He’s obviously talking about Carlos Arroyo guys

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