@National Basketball Association

[Ortiz] Pascal Siakam latest Raptors star to condemn sports betting’s effect on fan behaviour

“That culture is the craziest thing to me because they will literally wish you death because they missed whatever they were betting on,” Siakam said. “I just want to say, I don’t like it, and stop messaging me about you lost your parlay, I don’t care; I could care less. You could miss your parlay today, tomorrow, I could really care less. It doesn’t matter to me.”

by OnlyMamaKnows


  1. Next-Firefighter-753

    W quote. no one gives a shit about your parlay stfu about it you degenerate

  2. Maybe because betting isn’t legal yet where I live, is this really the root cause?

  3. HoelEmbellyDancer

    The crazy thing is that some of these gambling addicts legitimately see what they’re doing as an honest day’s hard work

  4. ThinkSoftware

    These people think they’re Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems

  5. OguguasVeryOwn

    > VanVleet goes on to talk about how fans cannot fathom what it’s like to receive an, “I hope your mom dies,” message every day.

    Jesus christ

  6. livelaughloaft

    We should set up a reverse betting system to bet on things like

    “Is Jeff from Accounting going to have his 4th coffee today before 3pm?”


    “Is Sally from AP going to stink up the 5th floor women’s bathroom again”

    Parlay that with “Is Carl gonna masturbate in the employees bathroom”

  7. princeofzilch

    This is the can of worms that all these execs and lawmakers opened in exchange for money for Fanduel and whatever. Been seeing this sort of disrespectful (which is an understatement) treatment of tennis and soccer players for years.

    Shame on them.

  8. BaltimoreBadger23

    I don’t love the idea that people can bet on individual player performances. Players should sue the gambling companies and insist on getting X% of any bet placed on them individually (regardless of which side of the bet wins), with the ability to opt out of people betting on your individual performance entirely.

    Team performance is a different story because except in rare instances (you hear me Ryan McKenna?) you can’t pin a team performance in an individual.

    I’m guessing this is already the case with fantasy league through ESPN, Yahoo, or whomever else. If it’s not, that’s a problem.

  9. oobthesecond

    And the new CBA has sports betting becoming more ingrained with the NBA. Silver only cares about money

  10. weekndalex

    if you gamble you’re a loser, i’m sorry

  11. unit-8002

    Sports betting is dumb anyway.

    Put money into something you have some modicum of control in.

  12. primocheese1947

    Are people really going to act like this behavior is because of gambling? Fans having been doing this for decades. Just for different reasons. It’s only more visible because it’s much easier to contact these players. Instead of having to send them a letter to spew hate. By no means am I saying this is right, but blaming gambling is some weirdo shit.

  13. BigDaddyDrumRoll

    This sort of behaviour is mind boggling to me.

  14. mxgicjohnson

    The people sending death threats are most likely addicts. They are feeling the rage of not being able to afford their rent in 6 days anymore. It’s a serious problem

  15. americanbeaver

    Letting the betting companies in the door and out front and in every commercial break and and in the pre-game and in the post-game and in every ad read and at every half time show and interrupting the live broadcast to read an ad for them and on every nba podcast and on the morning shows seems to have bad consequences.

    Who could’ve seen this coming? Oh just anyone with a brain, huh? At least these ghoul companies got their money for promoting this at every chance possible.

  16. When_Angels_Cry

    He’s right. We’re gonna keep hearing about this type of fan behavior in the upcoming years and it’s only gonna get worse. Gambling addiction aint no joke.

  17. Sleepyhead81

    NBA has huge responsibility here, but they won’t do anything. Too much money to be made form this and I think gambling and sports betting will be more and more pushed to viewers and fans.

    This is absolutely terrible considering that many fans are young and addiction of any sort is much more difficult to overcome in these cases.

    Honestly shame on NBA at least for inaction

  18. DIsco_Peaches

    Pascal my man… it’s “I couldn’t care less”. If you say you could care less, it means you care to some degree.

  19. ClaymoresRevenge

    Sports leagues gotta see that some shit is going to happen because of all this betting. It’s not good for the game

  20. mayonnaisemarv

    You *couldn’t care less, Spicy P. Couldn’t.

  21. MisterDisinformation

    Obviously sports betting is a more pressing issue, but we as a society do need to address the “could/couldn’t care less” matter.

    I’m much more a descriptivist than a prescriptivist, but this still feels like ugly trench warfare that the prescriptivists should be given the win on.

  22. SuperElection3215

    Sports gambling is by far the best way for people to learn that they don’t know anything about sports.

  23. Patient-Mango4861

    I’ve posted this before, it’s an awkward double standard when players condemn sports betting while players like Paul George and Reddick actively push sports betting on their podcasts. Quite a few of JJ’s talking points are derived from betting odds

  24. dBlock845

    I don’t know how it is legal to promote and encourage sports betting as a sports league. Big time conflict of interest.

  25. blurbaronusa

    If they really want to get at the root of everything they should be directing their anger toward the league and Adam Silver who have been promoting and furthering it for a years at this point.

  26. iamfromLisbon

    I think tennis is the worst sport in this aspect. The amount of abuse players get is insane.

  27. Siakim43

    It’s already bad enough – and they so obviously target Black populations, too.

    It’s disgusting how aggressively sports gambling is being pushed nowadays. FanDuel, DraftKings, they all can EAD.

  28. Zambyzy

    well yall just negotiated for more of it

  29. TheLionYeti

    Mark my words before the decade is out there will be a pro athlete seriously hurt or killed by an unhinged gambler.

  30. Brought to you by Bet365!

    This is nothing new sports betting has been big business for decades and sports leagues have enabled it for just as long. The reason we have injury reports is betting. The reason steroids have been universally banned is sports betting. The US Government (US Postal) sponsored the biggest doper in the biggest doping sport of all time.

    Do I like all the betting app commercials? No and I don’t bet of games but I known a lot of people who do and, for them, it enhances the viewing. Fans have always blamed players for losing their bets. Hell people blame Horses and Dogs for throwing races and they don’t even have free will. I don’t think people have gotten worse it’s just that betting is easier to do and it is easier for someone to go on Twitter and say some disgusting things to a player. People said that kind of stuff before but it was over lunch at the office or job site and a player never saw it.

    I used to write a bunch (for magazines) and I got a small dose of what googling your name can look like when you are a public figure. This was pre twitter (thank God) but it was bad enough. The right answer is to just stop looking up your name.

  31. nxhmabin

    Raptors players continue to drop the hard truth on the public, showing that we don’t take shit we talk it.

    We’ve had a mid season but the quotes have brought it to A tier for me.

  32. Butthole_in_my_face

    Onlyfans simps > Sports gambling degens

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