@Utah Jazz

[Post Game] The Utah Jazz (36-44) lose to the OKC Thunder (39-42) 114-98

[Box Score](

by Brutus583


  1. Brutus583

    Only 2 more games left, and then the real fun begins. This offseason is going to be great for Jazz fans. Bright future for the team and franchise

  2. sh0tgunben

    When a loss is a win for draft positioning

  3. FERFreak731

    To start the season I expected 19 wins. Walker, and Agbaj3 being good rookies, and FINNISHER being an All Star Starter has made this season my second favorite Jazz season besides the 2021 season. Hardy being a good coach, and getting 1,000 first round picks has made this season a success, and we’re going to get a top 10 pick too

  4. Iceemac

    Loved this years team. Everyone came out and played hard every game (except tank commander Rudy Gay). Looking forward to next year. They future is bright 🎷

  5. JoeIngles


    We are officially out of the playoff race. Odds are we stay locked in at the 9th best draft odds, unless Orlando, Indiana, or Washington win out and we lose out.

    Mr Klynyk is such a triple double flirt. I’m so ready for a triple double. I still think Rubio’s playoff one should count, but we are like 1,220 games since Booz did it. He finished with 16 points (6-10, 0-2 from 3) 14 rebounds, 8 assists. 7 turnovers isn’t good, but he had some good passes.

    Kriss Dunn was another triple double candidate, but he ended with 22 points on a stellar 9-10 from the field, 2-2 from 3, 2-2 from the line. He had 8 assists 7 rebounds with just 3 turnovers. He was clicking on all cylinders tonight. He also started today, and provided some good defense in our switches.

    Udoka was probably our 3rd best player tonight. 12 points, 7 rebounds, 1 block in 25 minutes tonight. He didn’t do anything too spectacular, but I’m happy that he is getting minutes and starting these last few games. I don’t know what his future with us looks like, and unfortunately it’ll always be tainted with us choosing him over Bane.

    Agbaji was pretty aggressive today. His shot wasn’t falling, he was 6-10 inside the arc and 0-8 outside. He also didn’t put up much in the stat sheet, but he was aggressive in getting into the paint and trying to score. His next step is to become a bit more of a facilitator. He has come a long way since the beginning of the season and is still pretty promising. He provided good defense against Shai too, and Agbaji does a great job not showing his hands to get those “Harden-esque” foul calls. Although he did have 5 fouls, I think going against SGA tonight and learning how pros get calls is something he needs to learn how to defend against, and hopefully he can learn from tonight.

    Our 3 point shooting was terrible. 5-31 is inexcusable. Tech was 1-6, Luka 1-5, Agbaji 1-8, JTA 0-5. We just couldn’t find the bottom of the net. A decent percent of those were good looks, but the major lack of 3pt shooting hurt us whenever we looked like we were within striking distance.

    We turned the ball over tonight a lot as well. Tech had 3, Klynyk had 7, and Dunn had 3 as well. I don’t really care too much because the season is almost over, but hopefully we can figure it out this offseason by either drafting a PG, trading for one, or developing Sexton & THT further.

    Juzang scored all 7 of his points in a row, which I thought was kinda funny. 3 straight possessions where he scored a bucket, and didn’t do much of anything after that or before that.

    Overall not an interesting game with so many of our players sitting out. No Lauri, no Kessler, no THT, no Sexton, no JC, no Rudy Gay. Those 6 guys are a decent top 6 rotation in itself. I’m glad it allowed for our younger guys to get more experience, I think that this game was good for showing us why we should sign Luka to a non-guaranteed deal next year, he has really shown promise.

    Lol I post this and it’s announced we signed Luka to a deal for next year including guaranteed money and trigger dates [according to Woj](

    36-43 bitches. Kinda deflating night, I wish we would’ve committed to the tank earlier and now it just feels like we are stuck in a weird middle ground. Unless WAS, IND, or ORL decide to win their remaining games and we lose ours, we aren’t moving up in the draft besides luck of the ping-pong balls.

  6. NotBusinessCasualYT

    Man I love Kris Dunn. Whoever got him for that 10 day contract needs a raise

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