@New Orleans Pelicans

Zion officially out for play in

Zion officially out for play in

by Briguy_fieri


  1. Cbeauski23

    A hamstring injury turning out to be season ending…team is legit cursed

  2. SpaceAfricanJesus

    So now allegedly it’s now Zion who doesn’t feel ready to play, when reports less than 24 hours ago said the opposite. This is a complete and utter clown show we’re witnessing.

  3. Cautious-Apartment-9

    Might as well sit him down & start getting him ready for next season. At this point, he may need to only play 1-2 games a week.

  4. WhoDat_Sa3VuS

    Whats the point of having him if we don’t use him when we need him most. WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT?

  5. How is this possible if there was no setback? Or is it a grade 3 hamstring? Why do i even care anymore

  6. WorldBSensitive

    Just assume he’s not coming back even for a playoff series. An absolute joke that the team can’t give a reasonable timeline publicly

  7. whatitdew83

    Dude just got a big ass back tattoo. Should be reevaluated in 2 weeks to see if it healed. Can’t play with a bobo.

  8. Great_Huckleberry709

    I can’t believe it’s been 2 years and a row of the exact same thing.

  9. maejor_ced

    Didn’t Kawhi pull this shit in San Antonio???

  10. ThePurpleBandit

    Ben Simmons gonna be playing for the Pels sooner than Zion at this point.

  11. iamStanhousen

    This is really the worst of it all so far. He went down with what would be a minor-ish injury months ago.

    The team stayed afloat and now has a chance in the playoffs. And he still isn’t back.

    It’s fucking bullshit and it’s the first time we’ve had Zion where I feel like we need to actually have the conversation of a) does he want to be here, and b) does he even want to play NBA basketball.

  12. hourhandqq

    At what point will people start questioning the medical staff? Every single time an injury happened in this team took legit 10 times longer than any other NBA teams to be cleared. Also I’m so tilted with this cautious thing every time. Like cautious for what, 2 years in a row, you aren’t playing him at the single most important point of the season. It isn’t like you would stay healthy and played 82 games next season. The amount of time that stayed out for being cautious is already equivalent to a major injury

  13. OkayIdgaf

    maybe he’ll be here for the play out

  14. 2drums1cymbal

    I know we’re all (rightfully) pissed/sad at this news but I do like to remind myself that Zion is still VERY young. Obviously this history of injuries is not encouraging but Steph Curry also had a rash of injuries his first three seasons that made many people question his worth. Definitely apples and oranges but I think that in the same way that this fanbase overreacted when the team was on a 10-game losing streak there’s still a very real possibility that in 5 years Zion could be the player we all hoped he would be and people will completely forget this part of his career

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