@Denver Nuggets

My In-Law Works for Delta, Don’t know if you all find this interesting

My In-Law Works for Delta, Don’t know if you all find this interesting

by LebrontosaurausRex


  1. Pumpoozle

    Awesome, thanks for sharing. BRB will go make my win recovery pack

  2. LebrontosaurausRex

    There were also individual supplement packs labeled by players, I’m not sharing those since it might be a little too intrusive to know what players are on what. Another funny thing is the supplements are all brand names. It’s not magnesium it’s Klean Magnesium (magnesium oxide) which is interesting because the science shows magnesium oxide isn’t metabolized by the body as easily as glycinate and taurate.

  3. BiteMyWolverine

    i would eat so much food i’d have to switch to football

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