@Washington Wizards

[Cole] Tommy Sheppard says people told him he would never be able to trade contracts that he did.

[Cole] Tommy Sheppard says people told him he would never be able to trade contracts that he did.

by Turbo2x


  1. Solid-Confidence-966

    To Shepard’s credit he’s built a terrific starting front court with 2/3 guys being acquired while flipping bad contracts (they have a net rating of +12.8 when on the court together)

  2. _Titty_Sprinkles_

    Trading John Wall was the most incredible one to me, a borderline negative asset and he managed to turn it into Russ (who then got traded for assets). Bertans and Dinwiddie for KP was pretty unexpected too.

    Its a job well done on paper, but Tommy’s team still sucks and even as someone who’s defended him in the past, the clock is ticking and something’s gotta give.

  3. ledelleakles

    He’s setting us up for huge Kuz and KP deals

  4. waskittenman

    trading untradable contracts is so easy for him that he gave Beal a NTC and 5 years/$250 million just to give himself a challenge

  5. -Johnny_Utah-

    That’s great Tommy. I’m sure he’ll use this logic to keep handing out bad contracts.

    Much like Ernie before him, Tommy has mastered the “arsonist putting out his own fires” roster management style.

    Wall, I’ll give him, because that was his mentor who inked that deal. But Tommy shouldn’t be really bragging about trading Bertans and Dinshitty when he was the guy who made the mistake of signing them in the first place.

  6. Ravens181818184

    My continued point is that could an average gm done better than Tommy given the situation and constraints? The answer is probably no. Considering we wouldn’t sign a top 5 gm in the nba, I don’t see what good firing him would be. Change for the sake of change.

  7. lOan671

    Cool. Still killed any possibility of us being any sort of contender with the Beal contract

  8. Raider_Tex

    That is true however nothing of note has been done with those trades and we have another poison pill contract on our hands

  9. dankloser21

    That’s true, he’s made some great trades, got rid of contracts that were viewed untradable.

    But what good does it do when he decides to give beal one of the worst contracts in the league (and it’s not even in hindsight, everyone knew it would be a bad decision) and go all in on a trio that’s simply never getting this franchise anywhere?

  10. rayquan36

    Hahaha Tom, you’ll never be able to trade Bradley Beal’s contract.

  11. evilgrinz

    Yeah…. but not getting us anywhere trading bad contracts for bad players.

  12. thricethefun

    We would be in a much better position had we just traded Beal not Wall. It was clear the only way forward was to get really bad and start over. Not go for the middest team possible like Tommy has assembled. Imagine if we had drafted in the top 5 the last 3 years instead of the top 8-15.

  13. agentmichaelscarn6

    congrats tommy. you turn a total suck ass team in to a mediocre team. there’s one more large contract i would love to see moved, good luck

  14. Tommy Sheppard also says people told him he would never be able to win a playoff series.

  15. Formal-Direction6615

    Hey, This feels like a Teddy & Tommy game of Domino’s.
    1st off, I don’t think Teddy is currently running things.
    I think he’s grooming someone..So, the Front office is on auto-pilot until that person is ready.
    2nd, If Kuz finds a better situation he wants, The Wiz have his Bird rights, so they will sign & trade him at the max…
    So, if Kuz goes, does that cancel out Kp and Beal.
    I’m thinking so because neither Kp or Brad’s timeline(27 and 30 yrs old) works for growing up Rookies and a Coach…
    So what happens then?

  16. Paradethejared

    I think Tommy is a good GM who unfortunately is constrained by the orders from the owner. The owner doesn’t want to purposefully be bad or tank, he wants to try to field a competitive team each year and try to build around Beal so that’s what Tommy has tried to do for better or worse.

  17. blitzKriegzzz

    Somehow he ends up with more un-tradable contracts after trading away untradeable contracts … I wonder what the issue could be..

  18. rueiraV

    No doubt he’s made some impressive moves as GM of the wiz. Unfortunately you can’t just focus on the positive and ignore the negative. There’s been a lot of poor decisions

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