@Toronto Raptors

[Grange] Whether the Raptors should even be in the play-in is a question worth debating. There’s a strong argument that the wise decision would have been to start a soft rebuild at the trade deadline: add some depth and some futures… allow the season to play out and then hope for a lottery result

[Grange] Whether the Raptors should even be in the play-in is a question worth debating. There’s a strong argument that the wise decision would have been to start a soft rebuild at the trade deadline: add some depth and some futures… allow the season to play out and then hope for a lottery result

by EarthWarping


  1. drewtheblueduck

    Man remember when we traded Rudy Gay to rebuild and then made the playoffs…that was a good year

  2. mMounirM

    still speaking about the deadline now is tiring. we can wait to shit on the team after our post-season is over. until then it’s playoff time baby

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