@National Basketball Association

38 year old LeBron James lifts the Lakers to the playoffs with 30 points, 10 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 steal, and 2 blocks on 12-21 shooting

Despite being 38 years old, LeBron James reminded us all why he’s considered by many to be the greatest of all time. And with that, the Lakers are in!

by Professor_Finn


  1. Acrobatic-Reaction-7

    I’m less convinced the Lakers are going anywhere in the playoffs after that ugly game. Which is surprising considering they won lol

  2. slysonic7

    That dive for the loose ball was awesome

  3. staymelooo

    He was pretty meh. That box score is misleading

  4. mantur200

    hilarious game from him. there were moments where was absolutely awesome, and then there were moments when he was the worst player on the floor lol

  5. 144Todd442

    That loose ball foul might have saved them. I haven’t seen LeBron hustle like that in years

  6. Neuroxex

    I did not think this was a good LeBron game.

  7. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    Key to the game was LeBron bringing them from down 15 back to down 7 at the end of the 3rd. And then he hits the clutch three to tie the game with 2 min left in the 4th, and then finds Dennis for the 3 to put them up 3 with 1 second remaining.

    Completely clutch game from Bron

    30 points, 12-21 shooting. 10 boards, 2 blocks.

  8. Tanteline

    I’m a big Bron guy but this was not his best game. He looked careless and disinterested turning the ball over a lot. He’ll come back better than ever but give the game ball to Schroeder here, not bron.

  9. Extremeaty

    Anthony Edwards lifts the lakers to the playoffs *

  10. Awanderingleaf

    1) The Lakers won this game.

    2) Fans have lost any confidence that the Lakers are a threat to anyone.

  11. WhyyyLuigi

    Those turnovers tho…give us a Dennis graphic. He’s the spark that willed us to a win

  12. lambofreak

    Despite the Lakers best efforts, they still won the game

  13. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    It should surprise people at the amount of detail that this man has for the game and for his body.

  14. ender_da_saya

    He was winded at the end, his turnovers could have caused them the game

  15. just_so_irrelevant

    Crazy too because this was honestly a pretty underwhelming performance from Lebron, a lot of bad passes and moves all game but by all standards still a great game, especially for a fucking 38 year old.

  16. Right-Worth-6327

    Hey this LeBron guy is a pretty good basketball player.

  17. UsernameIHardly

    38 year old man playing 45 minutes in game 83. Crazy

  18. venmome10cents

    It is so strange that these don’t count as regular season or playoff stats.

    I’d simply count play games as regular season games 83 and 84 (similar to how baseball counts a game #163 when there is a tie).

  19. This thirst to win at 38 years old after 20 years is quite incredible.

    It will be difficult against the Grizzlies, but with LeBron in playoff mode, the Lakers can dream of the feat!

  20. Huubidi

    Dude is a fucking basketball deity at this point

  21. qwilliams92

    Yall are out of things to say that now we’ve entered the Era of comparing LeBron to himself lmao I hate basketball fans

  22. Old_Man_Riverwalk21

    Lebron scored well tonight but holy hell was he just throwing the ball all over the place, you can tell he’s still rusty with his timing/touch. He ended with 5 turnovers but it very easily could have been 8+ with how many sloppy passes he was throwing

  23. OccasionIcy7701

    The key moments for me were:

    Lakers starting 1/8 and the score was 2 to 1, with Minnesota having shot 0/0 (1 free throw).

    That was just cartoonish turnovers and bricks. Idk how wolves had 0 FGA for like 3 mins.

    Then they made the 3 to make it 4-2 and it went wild. Somewhere in the 2nd Minnesota was like 75% from 3 while the Lakers were 21% or something.

    Just insane unsustainable edge.

    In the third Lebron just Lebron’d and it felt like anytime Ant had the ball it was a one way ticket to brickstown. I couldn’t see how Reaves seemed to lock everybody up but it did feel like every play he was there doing something to be annoying.

    I’m east coast so I was pretty tired. Actually missed the Lebron 3 / Shroeder 3 knocked out. Woke up to the screen yelling that Conley tied it up.

    Overtime everyone looked gassed, but Lakers closed it out.

  24. agoods03

    Legend. Now let’s watch him go on run through the west.

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