@Miami Heat

Atlanta Had 22 Offensive Rebounds Clint Capela Had 8 of his 21 boards on the Offensive Glass and 90 Percent of these Bam Had to be defending on the Perimeter. This is a Heat Roster Construction problem not a Bam one.

Atlanta Had 22 Offensive Rebounds Clint Capela Had 8 of his 21 boards on the Offensive Glass and 90 Percent of these Bam Had to be defending on the Perimeter. This is a Heat Roster Construction problem not a Bam one.

by jbenson255


  1. LemonCanddy

    He was still invisible and anemic on the offensive end which has been something that can be said for every single game post all star break

    He would have a guard in the post with him and he wouldn’t call for the ball.

    He wouldn’t even look at the basket on offense even with smaller defenders on him.

    He played 41 minutes but you could forget he was even on the floor because he had 0 impact. You’re a star franchise cornerstone you make an impact somehow in important games.

    Last 2 playoffs and this play in. Shows that he doesn’t have that in him

  2. OblivionNA

    Rebounding is a team effort. Too many players either don’t box out or just stand there watching.

  3. BucketHerro

    Doesn’t seem to be “90%” of them are Bam being on the perimeter tho lmao, more like 60%.


    Rebounding was one of the biggest factors for the L and Bam is part of the issue (not entirely on him, sure). BUT it’s not the only problem he had with this game.


    Edit: Also, there’s a lot of people calling our guards “Rebound Stealer” from Bam during the regular season and now that they don’t, they still get blamed LMFAOOOO

  4. gamesrgreat

    It’s also a scheme problem. If you have an SF or PG trying to box out Capela then no surprise Capela gets a bunch of rebounds. Bam still should have had more rebounds

  5. RansomGoddard

    It’s something that literally everyone with eyes and a brain have been talking about since PJ left and we saw what was happening the first few weeks of the season. The roster construction is just horrible and totally ruined the calculus of what made last year’s team successful while making zero improvements.

    Also, I love him more than anyone else on the team but Jimmy is escaping some well deserved slander on this sub. His failure to box out in the footage linked is very noticeable and is unacceptable given he’s supposed to be our best player and maybe the only other person on the team I trust to get a contested board if Bam is on the perimeter.

  6. grrrown

    Capella is a giant, especially compared to our team. A lot of those rebounds were him grabbing boards over our guys who were in a better position.

  7. avinash240

    Bro, the reason they can’t go get the cheapest position in the league to fill “a big center who can defend and rebound,” or play the one who is currently on the roster in Zeller, is because Bam can’t shoot.

    Do you know how hard it is to build a front court about an undersized center who can’t shoot when you’re a capped out team?

    Bam absolutely shouldn’t be playing most of his minutes at center, he should be a power forward and a small ball center but once again he can’t shoot.

    Also, some random dude saying 90% of the time Bam wasn’t guarding Capella means what?

  8. jcfan4u

    “defending on the perimeter”

    Yes, that is part of the problem. Switch everything defense doesn’t work if nobody can guard/ box out a big man

  9. realudonishaslem

    I’ve been saying this a lot, but if we’re gonna hold onto Bam and build around him in the future, we need a Myles Tuner or Brook Lopez type of center who can take some defensive burden off of Bam as well as stretch the floor for Jimmy and Bam. Preferrably someone who can rebound, defend the rim while Bam is out guarding the perimeter, and shoot the 3 at decent percentage.

    Bam excels at defending 1-5 at perimater. He’s also a great rim presence but that’s not his biggest strength. Our roster needs to benchmark the Bucks’ and consider Bam as Giannis role, a PF who can’t shoot the 3 well but finishes well at the rim or mid-range, and defends 1-5. (Not saying Bam is as good as Giannis).

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