@Detroit Pistons

Gilbert Arenas GOES OFF On Isiah Thomas Over Michael Jordan REVEALS Bad Boy Pistons UNFAIR Advantage

Gilbert Arenas goes off On Isiah Thomas saying He kicked Michael Jordan and Charles Oakley Chicago Bulls team behind. Gilbert also said that the Pistons had an Unfair Advantage during their title runs!
#gilbertarenas #michaeljordan #jordan #isiahthomas #espn #nbaontnt #nba #charlesoakley #chicagobulls #chicago #bulls #detroit #detroitpistons #pistons


  1. No doubt he is number 2 and Magic number 1 , Thomas also gave a lot of punishment which he denied 😂. But I actually agree with Gill for once

  2. I like Gilbert Arenas, but i don't agree with everything he said, first Magic, won 5 rings, L Bird, won 3 rings, and the Pistons, led by Isiah Thomas, came through those same 1980's door, at the end, winning titles It wasn't Isiah's fought, it Detroit was the only team, with a private plane, and the comment, where Isiah said, he kicked Jordan's Ass, he did, but not because he was young M Jordan, Isiah Thomas Isiah Thomas isn't that much older than M Jordan, 2 year difference, and Isiah T, came out 2 years ahead as a Sophmore, after he led Indiana, to that win against North Carolina, when to Chicago Bulls, were able to over take the Pistons, Jordan was a top notch scorer, but he had the best growth, by his side, and that's number 33 S Pippen, defense is the key is any sport, in boxing, Mayweather Jr did'nt become a 50-0 boxer by just throwing punches, try tried, but he was nowhere to be found, that's defense, and to you G Arenas, i believe you Arizona wildcats, were cheated in the 2001 NCAA championship game, that point guard you'll has was low to the floor, he was going toe to toe with J Williams, and R Jefferson was playing also, he was 1 athletic guy, but you Arenas, i knew about you you then, you were pulling up, and answering the bell everytime, i know the NBA gives 2 inches over players original height, i believe they let you go way to low, had you been 6'6, being a shooting guard , your name could could have been mentioned is that list, with Jordan, Mcgrady,the late Kobe, and D Wade, to me including the players who won a Championship with other named hof players on those teams, to me, you was the best player in that 2001 NBA draft.

  3. The fact that these guys still try to come at "lil ol" Zeke definitely shows how great he really was.

  4. Bill Davison was the cheapest owner in the league …. he bought them that plane for winning as an award two years in a row before they won…. azzhl

  5. Abraham Lincoln – Quote – Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt – It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid.

  6. Jordan still crying today …..😂😂😂😂 the hate is real Mann stop da cap Isaiah

  7. i recall the pistons losing in 7 in ecf to boston and in gm 7 in finals against the lakers on a bad call. So pistons could have won 4 in a row gilbert.

  8. Gilbert Arenas comment about private plane is laughable!He had better nutrition, money,no guns,lol!That man is tripping,no rings Gilbert Arenas!What about defense Arenas!

  9. I'm 44 years old ! And in the 80s no players in the NBA liked the pistons ! That's why they were called the bad boys duh! They were dirty played dirty and now Zeke is crying because of karma! He should have thought of that when he and his goons where close lining people go back and watch the pistons games you will see how much of prick Isaiah is !

  10. It helps that Gilbert is stupid bc he is accidentally controversial. His points are so stupid though. Every team in every sport trying to win championships are looking for an advantage. The Pistons were an incredible team and did compete against those great teams of the the 80s.

  11. As usual, Gilbert sounds silly. The Pistons had a 6 yr. run and was robbed of their 88 championship. Besides, Pistons and Bulls were in the eastern conference. There wasn't much traveling in the eastern conference playoffs and not a great distance from Detroit to Chicago.

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