@Washington Wizards

David Aldridge on Twitter: Owner, star, coach or GM, someone — anyone — must turn up the heat on Wizards

Another banger from DA.

by Nick_Argue


  1. Turbo2x

    What does “turn up the heat” even mean? Like Ted’s gonna show up to the practice facility one day and say “hey guys I’m turning up the heat, you guys need to win more games this year” or what? Nobody knows what it means, but it gets the people going. I’m as frustrated as David but it’s not as simple as just winning more games or only making winning moves when 29 other teams are doing the same thing.

  2. PresidentNaruto

    *Anyone except Spencer Dinwiddie

  3. TopOfTheKey

    Peak NBA media to not talk about the Wizards for most of the season but once it is over, drop multiple articles in a short period of time about how the team is terrible despite probably not watching more than two games consecutively.

  4. SelfLoathinMillenial

    And here comes the Ted employees in this sub desperately waving away any criticism. “ITS THE MEDIA! WHAT IS TED SUPPOSED TO DO?” What a joke

  5. 2drums1cymbal

    Can’t believe people ITT are actually defending the Wizards like they haven’t been aggressively mediocre AT BEST for 40 years. The team has won 4 playoff series since 1980 FFS

  6. rayquan36

    One of the few journalists who care about the Wizards

  7. Solid-Confidence-966

    What exactly does “turn up the heat” mean?

  8. Ravens181818184

    I am yet again confused by most people’s analysis. It doesn’t matter who the coach and gm is, it’s the vision laid out by the franchise. When you choose to never tank and ultimately build around non 1st option players, not even Prime Phil Jackson is going to change anything.

    If I’m being really technical, the fundamental issue is that Ted thinks the NBA is like the NHL, which has significantly more upsets in the playoffs. You can’t run an NBA franchise like an NHL one. It’s kinda sad truth in the nba that realistically, if you don’t have a top 5 player, you aren’t winning a championship.

  9. Askia-the-Creator

    Tommy just spent his press conference throwing WUJ under the bus while saying this team wasn’t good because of injuries. The President of Basketball operations doesn’t even take this shit seriously, and his job is to convince the owner. Easily a worse GM than his boss.

  10. evilgrinz

    Gotta be willing to move on from people that you aren’t gonna go anywhere with, and someone has to not be afraid of doing that.

  11. Hagdogrobinwood

    Sell the team is the only way!!!

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