


  1. Leave that girl alone… she’s just talking smack in the heat of the moment… she’s an awesome player!

  2. Why is it women get pity points. Let's bring the losers to the white house like stfu. There are only 2 types of people. Winners and losers one get the gold and the other gets the shitty silver, that's how shit works!

  3. Is going to the White House still what it used to be? I know it used to be a prideful moment, but is it anymore? You'd have to pay me to go into the White House. Our government is so corrupt and broken I'd want nothing to do with it

  4. Caitlin didn't "make amends" because she didn't have to. She didn't do anything to Reese. Reese was the one who followed her around to taunt her. Yeah, that was pretty immature.

  5. Reese does “I can’t see you chat” and gets called classless, but Clark does it it’s OK? What world do we live in, where people always have a narrative that brown people are “classless” or unsportsmanlike? Smells like a race thing to me 🤮🤢

  6. Women's basketball on the rise all the white virgin high school kids gonna have to find something new to make fun of

  7. Jill Biden's suggestion is literally the worst thing any human being has ever done to another human being, and there's no debate. Evil in it's purest form.


    It was just a dumb but innocent suggestion from a sweet little old lady, and a lot of you need to GROW UP

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