@Dallas Mavericks

This is how Jalen Brunson was viewed not too long ago

Why I cringe when the fanbase wants to trade away Josh Green and/or Jaden Hardy

by BlakeCRed


  1. TXlandon

    To JB’s credit he’s worked extremely hard and improved his game. IMO it was also hard to evaluate his impact given Luka’s high usage

  2. People forget that most players take time to develop and are not like Luka

  3. 1unzippedcutoffs2

    r/nba stays making goofy ah comments

  4. qotsabama

    I do standby that Brunson can’t be the second option on a contending team but he certainly can be a 3rd option on a contending team. I’m of the belief of last years team still isn’t a real threat to be a contender given how bad we got destroyed in WCF.

  5. GormlessK

    He’s really grown as a player since being drafted. I don’t think he makes this team a championship contender and he doesn’t really address the issues the team’s been having (although he was getting good at drawing charges), but the team probably missed him for his leadership/relationships as much as his ball handling.

  6. Moe4ver

    And it was true then.

    Opinions change with more information.

  7. Seyhven_

    I’m tired of people glazing Brunson. He had a good year yes….but please let’s stop acting like the Knicks roster isn’t better than ours lmao

    Please. I’m tired of the idiocy.

    He has Randle, a guy who can create his own looks.

    He has Barrett, a guy who can create his own looks.

    He has Quickley, who can also get his own looks.

    He has Grimes, who can also get his own looks.

    He’s not being asked to be their 2nd best scorer AND playmake for a bunch of catch-and-shoot players like he was in Dallas.

    I’m tired of people being disingenuous like the Knick’s situation wasn’t 10x better than ours.

  8. RenAnave

    Let-s see how he does this playoffs and evaluate our opinions based on that

  9. killbill469

    If only the Mavs were a multi billion dollar organization that could hire talent evaluates and get an understanding of the improvement of their players.

  10. landman2002

    Can I stop seeing posts about the guy who abandoned our team?

  11. dragonwhale

    There are 10000 comments about Brunson. Or any player. We can find cherry picked narratives from all angles.

    And honestly can we ban Brunson talk on this sub? It’s literally just circle sad jerking every thread, it’s getting super annoying.

  12. moctezuma-

    I remember that thread. Oh how the times have changed.

  13. PraiseDirk

    Some of my family weren’t sold on him. I still don’t understand it.

  14. Healthy_Ad5938

    These are all true observations for 4.5 of his first years in Dallas. He didn’t break out until January of last year and was terrible in the playoffs every year before Kidd. Hindsight is 20/20 and we weren’t given the opportunity to give him an offer once he actually became a real #2 option for us, so we gotta move on. The only thing I hate about this whole thing is how much of a joke the punishment was for such obvious, shameless tampering. They hired his fuckin dad to sit on his ass and add no value to anybody but his son. That’s fucked up

  15. i_take_shits

    What’s the point of posting one fan’s shitty take from a year ago? You can’t say this is how Brunson was viewed just by one persons view

  16. AlecarMagna

    Putting a lot of stock into comments with upvote totals you can count on one hand. There will always be people with dissenting opinions on topics.

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