@Washington Wizards

[Cole] Jay Huff named to first team All-NBA G-League

[Cole] Jay Huff named to first team All-NBA G-League

by Turbo2x


  1. Joshottas

    We got our 3rd center. Thanks for the memories, Gibson.

  2. obxtalldude

    I loved Jay Huff when he played for the Hoos.

    Getting him to the point that he’s a legitimate NBA player speaks well for both him and the Wizards development staff.

    Both he and Gil are high character guys… the Wizards could do worse than having them in the locker room to build a team culture.

  3. Turbo2x

    Just announced that Jay is also first team All-Defense. Congrats to the big man. Hope we sign him to a regular contract.

  4. Kris Dunn made it too, wish the Wizards signed him while Delon was injured but Goodwin being good probably put that on hold. Hope we getting another PG in this draft to fill out the rotation

  5. Hagdogrobinwood

    Trade up with Gaff and our pick, he has the same skills with a three ball too!!!!

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