@Philadelphia 76ers

[Will Bunch] By owning the 76ers, Devils and Commanders, every single fan of a team Josh Harris owns now HATES a team that Josh Harris owns…amazing

[Will Bunch] By owning the 76ers, Devils and Commanders, every single fan of a team Josh Harris owns now HATES a team that Josh Harris owns…amazing

by NorthCoastToast


  1. Bajecco

    Josh Harris used to be tight partners with Leon Black, who paid Jeffrey Epstien over $158 million for “consulting.”

  2. Hay-blinken

    I’m a Sixers and ders fan. No feelings towards the Devils but I do root for the Caps half assedly. Just got into my NBA fandom later in life away from where I grew up.

  3. FormerCollegeDJ

    Yeah, I’m a rare 76ers/Devils fan, but being an Eagles fan living in the DC area…let’s just say I’ve enjoyed the Redskins/Football Team/Commanders misery in recent years.

  4. OrderAccording

    Can confirm as a 76ers fan I hate the 76ers

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