@National Basketball Association

[NBA PR] The NBA announced today that the Dallas Mavericks organization has been fined $750,000 for conduct detrimental to the league in an elimination game against the Chicago Bulls on April 7.

[NBA PR] The NBA announced today that the Dallas Mavericks organization has been fined $750,000 for conduct detrimental to the league in an elimination game against the Chicago Bulls on April 7.

by dragon8811


  1. dragon8811

    Full statement:

    The Mavericks violated the league’s player resting policy and demonstrated through actions and public statements the organization’s desire to lose the game in order to improve the chances of keeping its first-round pick in the 2023 NBA Draft. The league did not find that the players who participated in the game were not playing to win.
    “The Dallas Mavericks’ decision to restrict key players from fully participating in an elimination game last Friday against Chicago undermined the integrity of our sport,” said Joe Dumars,

    NBA Executive Vice President, Head of Basketball Operations. “The Mavericks’ actions failed our fans and our league.”

  2. BayonettaBasher

    Didn’t lose any picks, that’s a W

  3. Evadeit

    750k is nothing, they don’t give a fuck. Great job Adam!

  4. Turbo2x

    Oh no, how will Cuban ever recover from this?

  5. YeezyYeezyUp2NoGood


  6. AlexeyShved1

    Mavs fans in shambles, losing $750k instead of being forced to fire Kidd’s bum ass

  7. YourFlyIsOpenMcFly

    That won’t stop anyone else from doing the same.

  8. NguyensPonytail

    Mavs got fined for things that teams were already doing lmao love it

  9. HungLuke

    Slap on the wrist for now. But I’m already drafting the next NBA Conspiracy where the league fixes the lottery so the Mavs get jumped in the lottery and lose their pick to NY.

  10. dog_gazed_duct-tape

    Blazers, Jazz, Spurs, Pacers, Wizards, Magic should all be fined too then

  11. IceTraeDaGang

    Can we even consider this a slap on the wrist? This is like a poke on the wrist not even a hard poke either.

  12. ChuckMoody

    They couldn‘t force us to fire Kidd?

  13. This should be remembered as the Jason Kidd fine. Can’t go tanking mode and admit it blatantly.Sam Hinkie you paid for all of their sins, amen.

  14. cathar98

    Absolute BS. Blazers and Jazz were doing this for months. Thunder did this for a couple of years and now they’re getting praised for this strategy working

  15. koiz_01

    Only a $750,000 fine undermines the integrity of the sport more

  16. AirBishop

    Not condoning what the mavs did at all but I think it’s complete BS that they got singled out when portland literally shut down their starters & the spurs have been egregiously resting players for no reason all season etc. There are way more teams who committed more blatant tactics of tanking but yet only one team gets punished.

  17. Count_Sacula_420

    They were never going to take draft picks for doing something 10 other teams obviously do

  18. ChuckMoody

    What the NBA can‘t announce in public is that the chances for the 11th seed to jump into the top 4 now has been increased to 99.9%

  19. GuessTraining

    Are they refunding people who watched the games live?

  20. greymaterial

    So Cuban bought a higher pick? He willingly takes that fine every time. Not a deterrent.

  21. myskinismadeofpenis

    Lol remember when this sub thought the Mavs would lose their 1st. 😂 Another L for nephs 🤡

  22. Butterfly_Scape

    i feel like knicks fans were the only ones who seriously thought the league would remove the protections from that pick..cuban did this same shit in 2018 and he got fined and we ended up drafting two all star caliber talents

  23. HotdogIsaSandwitch

    I don’t get it. Why are people acting like the Mavs created tanking? Blazers and Jazz still had a chance at the playoffs before they started sitting their main guys, with close to MULTIPLE digit games left.

    People gotta stop acting like we’re league leaders or some shit in this stuff.

  24. Mavs would’ve voluntarily cut that check up front if you told them this was the cost. Hell, they would’ve added a 30% tip.

  25. Lstark5642

    Not saying it was right, but fining the mavs when other teams within reach of the play in sat stars for longer periods is complete bullshit.

  26. osusris

    everyone acting like 750k is nothing for Cuban when the man was too cheap to give Brunson 1/4 of what he is worth

  27. voldygonemoldy92

    750k??? Holy fucking shit! Is that the largest fine this year?

  28. Revoldt

    These fines are so fucking pointless to billionaire owners.

    If the NBA wanted something to hurt, the fine should also -750k to the Mavs salary cap. And the difference paid to charity.

  29. somethingtolose

    Tanking penalty shouldn’t be a fine, it should be losing a draft pick.

  30. gaga_booboo

    Wow. NBA continues its efforts to make the regular season into a complete farce. Minimum 65 games. No punishment for actively losing games. No incentive to put your best product on the floor.

    Without knowing it the NBA has actually taken a step backwards. Watch for players to play less games, or check in for 4 seconds like Mikal Bridges, or more aggressive load management or trying to affect seedlings to get more favourable matchups and/or lottery odds.

    This was a chance to actually crack down and send a message, the only message sent is that the NBA thinks the regular season is a joke.

  31. ItsOnlyRedBased

    I mean…is it?

    The game got watched without much difference in ratings, ticket sales for it matched season averages…so is it really detrimental to the league?

    I get you had to do something (and this is a slap on the wrist) but there’s nothing else they could have categorized it as?


    so they essentially paid $750,000 to keep the number 10 pick. that sounds like a reasonable precedent to set

  33. suprememontana

    Oh for a second I thought we’d actually get a meaningful punishment

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