@Philadelphia 76ers

Embiid: “A lot has been said, and a lot of people haven’t been happy, about how people keep bashing each other and all that stuff. Where was all that [sympathy for me]? People kept bashing me the last two seasons, putting me down. But now other guys are being put down, now it’s an issue.”

Embiid: “A lot has been said, and a lot of people haven’t been happy, about how people keep bashing each other and all that stuff. Where was all that [sympathy for me]? People kept bashing me the last two seasons, putting me down. But now other guys are being put down, now it’s an issue.”

by shadowarmy229


  1. pizzapapa21

    TALK YO SHIT! Same thing goes for the All-NBA change. I don’t know if they could’ve even done it sooner, but it’s still bullshit that after missing All-NBA first team the past two years now that he’s finally likely to get the spot they actually change it so it won’t fuck over Jokic in the future.

  2. Lol the r/nba thread losers are throwing their toys out the pram on this one

  3. Ultratablesalt

    The Process making a lot of haters cry in that thread

  4. GirlWithGame

    I’m not even going to read the thread on nba I’m sure they are complaining and saying he’s crying when all he is saying is people want to say it is toxic now, when for the past two years people were flat out toxic to Joel be the media or Twitter in general, but now it’s against Jokic everyone has to shut up how can you be so toxic. The double standard is unreal and you’d think we’d be better than this as fans.

    I Hate throwing out white privileges but holy hell it seems like there is a hell of a lot of that going on.

  5. HisExcellency20

    I’ve been saying this for a while. He’s absolutely right. He was getting dragged for his availability and playoff failures but the discourse wasn’t too toxic then.

  6. _mousecop_

    The r/nba comments have “shut up and dribble” energy for anyone who doesn’t want to dive into the cesspool

  7. YesWhatHello

    > Embiid cares so much about this MVP it would not shock me if he hired a social media marketing team to brigade Reddit and Twitter to push the public opinion extra in his favor.

    Lmao what an idiot

  8. nugcityharambe

    The comments in that thread are so cringe like imagine hating someone because of some mild quotes posted on reddit. I hope it’s mostly kids and not grown adults bc yikes

  9. shadowarmy229

    Lmao some dude with a Ja Morant flair talking about how Embiid is his least favorite player is just peak irony considering how his favorite player literally beat up a 17 year old, flaunted his gun at a party, and was complicit in pointing lasers at the Pacers team bus alongside his homies

  10. WraithTwelve

    he’s right of course but this is going to make all the nephews lose their mind.

  11. Griffbro

    Man usually the Embiid posts can get a little toxic on there but that thread was real special

  12. choosesnooze

    I’m not on reddit as much these days but I never thought the r/nba hate was anywhere near as bad as people would say, but my god that thread is wild. Seeing so many people say he never got clowned for losing in the 2nd round only to then also see all the people saying they can’t wait to see him choke in the 2nd round again was something else.

  13. genuinely insane thread i’ve never seen more vitriol for a player before it’s like he personally wronged them all somehow

  14. Section_80

    Embiid sounds like all of Philly when it comes to literally anything.

    I love him.

    Fuck everyone else.

  15. ThatPlayWasAwful

    if they don’t make it past the second round I will have to unsub for the offseason.

  16. hehehegoogle

    dude ur literally about to win, why r u still whining like cmon bruh

  17. Mental_Attitude_2952

    Who cares? I dont know why people let r/nba bother them so much. Who cares what a bunch of mommie teet suckling neckbeards think? Will any of this matter if we are standing on broad street in a month and half as the parade goes by?

  18. wlabib03

    Joel was always shitted on for the past few years and barely anyone complained, but now that he’s more likely to win it and it’s happening to other players the mvp conversation has suddenly become “toxic”

  19. RayPinner

    Some of my favorites from that thread…

    >Joell is one of my favorite players, I was baffled when he didn’t go 1st overall despite injuries. Sixers are the only team sub I follow outside of the Spurs. The absolute whining and victim-complex Sixers fans have paraded on here has made me hope he doesn’t win MVP. Whole city is so annoying.

    >No clue what he’s even talking about. I’ve seen nothing but criticism of Jokic for weeks and there has been sympathy for Embid each year.

    >Jokic just wants to get away from all this BS. I believe he was underperforming on purpose the last 10 games of the season just so he did not have to deal with it. Embiid you can have it and stop the whining.

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