@New York Knicks

Randle and Brunson getting double teamed like crazy

Randle and Brunson getting double teamed like crazy

by M9Zeprah


  1. CharmingEngine4264

    Wow, only other team with 2 is friggin embiid and harden that’s wild

  2. >What stands out?

    That Randle has a slightly higher PPP than Embiid

  3. beanie_mac

    This is what kinda frustrates me about RJ. The fact that he can’t be a consistent 3rd option with JB and JR taking so much attention away from him is really worrisome.

    If he were struggling with being the #1 or #2 option and faced a crazy amount of defensive attention, that’s one thing…and I would cut him some slack. But that isn’t the case.

  4. Chr1s78987x

    Randle being the 2nd most efficient player when doubled out of the whole list is super impressive, people have some false notion that he sucks when doubled

    We’re going far in the playoffs if they have to double two of our players at a 30% rate

  5. cesarjulius

    if teams would stop single-teaming rj, he could really do some damage.

  6. Joezepey

    Of course comments on this post focus on RJ…

  7. admiral_aubrey

    This is good work from Randle and Brunson, but it also has a lot to do with two of their starting teammates being completely unable to shoot (RJ and Mitch). Randle and Brunson would be even more dangerous with better spacing in the starting lineup.

  8. Vikk_Vinegar

    Yeah, and it was an even higher % last season when there was no Brunson and RJ is shooting 41%. Knicks fans too busy hating to notice he was getting crushed with coverage.

  9. Andromeda28

    That’s why we let Quick and Qdot cookkkkk

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