@Toronto Raptors

“I think that at a certain point you can’t make anybody grow up. It’s going to happen at their own pace and their own speed…” -Fred VanVleet on Raptors’ maturity level (via @SteveBHoop)

“I think that at a certain point you can’t make anybody grow up. It’s going to happen at their own pace and their own speed…” -Fred VanVleet on Raptors’ maturity level (via @SteveBHoop)

by DesperateAbility6448


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  3. UjiriWatcher

    Nothing says maturity as player like driving into 3 players and getting blocked multiples times in a close game

  4. Yeah like it or not, Fred is never gonna stop jacking up ill advised 3s at the worst possible times and just hijacking the offense.

  5. confusedfeel

    Please get this locker room cancer off my team

  6. imnotgayimjustsayin

    This guy is so tone deaf.

    The love of the Raptors organization and well-meaning, but confused fans was both the best and worst thing to ever happen to FVV. Hopefully his next destination humbles him up. He’s not in the conversation for best at anything, and at some point, reality needs to make an appearance— a team that actually has decent guards would do that.

  7. AprilsMostAmazing

    If he’s upset with Raps maturity he’s going to be livid on the rockets next year

  8. PlumCantaloupe

    Not sure we can point this all to Scottie. Fred has great things to say about yesterday in the “post-mortem” interviews. It is a weird quote though, as if we had a true superstar talent on this team Scottie would thrive mad with his play making and bully ball on weaker defenders (just look at Mobley with DPOY votes while sharing the floor with Allen, Darius, and especially Mitchell).

    For all we know, he is also referring to the bench. It could also just be a badly worded discussion about something else entirely 😅 Fred is well spoken but off the cuff after such a humiliating end of the season he is probably not thinking straight.

  9. Oozeinator

    Man, this is supposed to be our leader?

    Let him walk to be able to develop again.

  10. cad_internet

    It’s a bad look for FVV to always use the media to further his agenda. Let’s just stick with facts first: The “changed role” interview complaining about his usage, the contract shit in the middle of the season, the “top 50, but probably higher – I’m not selfish” clownshow interview. Now this. We know these interviews happened. They’re not up to debate. All this shit jives with him signing with Klutch.

    I suspect the media loves FVV because he’s the one who gives them the most information on the team. Look, his selfish play style is apparent to a lot of people, so it’s a waste of time to debate. If you think he’s a primary PG who makes his teammates better, you’re not going to change your mind. Ditto for the other side. To me, he was terrible this year. Basically, this season he had two really nice hot streaks, sandwiched between two giant shit buns. Pathetic FG%, and worse, can’t even make 3s at a good % anymore. If he declines further, the reported 30 mil/season is going to be an albatross. And there *are* signs of decline on both ends of the floor.

    However, I have a problem with more than just his play on the court. I have a real problem with someone, ostensibly the “leader”, of the team, always yapping to the media. We literally just got eliminated, and he’s already shifting blame onto the young players. I don’t doubt they have maturing to do, but leaders should not use the media to mentor young players.

    I want this guy gone. No, we don’t have a G to replace him. Yes, we’ll be worse next season. I don’t care.

    I wonder how much shit this guy was stirring up during the Kawhi year. My guess is *a lot*.

  11. MadVillain1

    Hes not wrong and you really see the disconnect on the court and the fault falls on management for being oblivious or even worse see the problem and not doing anything. Pick a fucking direction. This has been said since 2020 lmao.

  12. bmnewman

    Sounds like a cop out to me as Fred said something similar end of last season. As the vet and supposed team leader shouldn’t he then have been working with NN last offseason to coach up Scottie, GTJ, and Precious to maximize their skill set going into this season? That’s an indictment on his leadership in part and also his role as the primary PG. I think Fred likes being top dog and wanted those point totals going into FA. I don’t see him as the team player he purports to be. Not saying the FO, Nick and the players aren’t responsible as well but Fred seems to have a lot say but deflects responsibility.

  13. fdisfragameosoldiers

    And just like that, he opens is mouth and everyone wants him gone again 😔

  14. champchampx3

    At a certain point you gotta not shoot under 40% from the field.

  15. VikGrabo84

    -Fred on the maturity level of Demar’s daughter

  16. Plantedballer

    Says the guy with the 3rd worst fg% in the league

  17. PetroleumSpaghetti

    This reads as if there’s more to this. Like this was taken out of context

  18. TinyOrganization1507

    Fvv needs to stop talking, when he talks he throws someone under the bus. His presser yesterday threw his coach, management, and team under. He should just leave this will fix the chemistry

  19. TinyOrganization1507

    Hot take: I believe all these insider information that the press gets there hands on is from fvv himself

  20. -KFBR392

    Why is everyone attacking FVV for this quote? We have no idea what the guys are like at practice, in the locker room, pre/post games, film sessions, etc. Maybe he’s right, maybe guys don’t take their job serious and aren’t acting mature.

    Our record, individual players’ lack of progression, and lack of playing time from Nurse for many of them certainly supports that idea.

  21. ThatGuyPsychic

    Bro as the Vet it’s literally your job to teach maturity. If their not mature it’s your job to get them in line. Wanna be the team lead take the team lead responsibilities.

  22. Dareal6

    I think it’s kind of tacky to keep comparing the two, but Kyle would never say shit like this.

    Fred got blessed by being in a mature locker throughout his developing years. Now he’s a vet and supposed leader. You gotta pay that forward.

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