@Brooklyn Nets

Post Game Thread: The Philadelphia 76ers defeat The Brooklyn Nets 121-101

#Brooklyn Nets at Philadelphia 76ers

Wells Fargo Center- Philadelphia, PA




|Time Clock|

|BKN |25|33|23|20|101|
|PHI |30|37|26|28|121|

###Player Stats

**Brooklyn Nets**

|C. Johnson|27:22|18|7-11|4-6|0-0|1|3|4|2|0|0|2|3|-7
|D. Finney-Smith|17:38|6|2-3|2-2|0-0|1|0|1|0|0|0|1|1|-2
|N. Claxton|30:11|5|2-4|0-0|1-2|1|9|10|1|0|3|0|2|-20
|M. Bridges|34:26|30|12-18|2-4|4-4|0|5|5|1|0|1|3|0|-14
|S. Dinwiddie|36:22|14|5-12|1-5|3-5|0|3|3|7|2|0|4|1|-13
|R. O’Neale|27:56|4|2-5|0-3|0-0|0|3|3|6|1|0|2|3|-13
|D. Sharpe|17:23|6|2-3|0-0|2-2|2|4|6|4|0|1|2|3|-5
|S. Curry|16:19|10|4-5|2-3|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|0|-7
|J. Harris|14:01|3|1-3|1-3|0-0|0|2|2|0|0|0|2|1|-3
|D. Duke Jr.|4:43|2|1-3|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|-4
|Y. Watanabe|4:43|3|1-2|1-2|0-2|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|0|-4
|E. Sumner|4:27|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|-4
|C. Thomas|4:27|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-4

**Philadelphia 76ers**

|T. Harris|28:42|21|9-14|3-3|0-0|2|2|4|4|0|1|1|1|12
|P. Tucker|24:59|6|2-6|2-5|0-0|5|2|7|2|5|0|0|0|11
|J. Embiid|33:02|26|7-15|1-4|11-11|2|3|5|3|1|2|2|3|18
|T. Maxey|32:38|13|3-8|3-5|4-4|1|5|6|3|3|0|0|2|14
|J. Harden|36:05|23|8-21|7-13|0-0|1|3|4|13|1|0|4|3|20
|D. Melton|22:16|6|2-9|2-7|0-0|1|2|3|5|1|0|0|1|15
|J. McDaniels|16:54|5|2-2|1-1|0-0|0|4|4|2|0|0|0|1|11
|G. Niang|19:49|8|3-5|2-4|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|3|9
|P. Reed|12:53|11|5-6|0-0|1-1|2|2|4|0|2|0|1|3|5
|D. House Jr.|2:32|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|-3
|S. Milton|3:15|2|1-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|-3
|J. Springer|2:24|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-3
|F. Korkmaz|2:24|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-3
|M. Harrell|2:05|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-3
###Team Stats



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  1. mercfan3

    Dinwiddie did a great job silencing Mikal in the second half -_-

  2. SixthFan

    JV coached this game like it was Game 42 of the regular season against the Houston Rockets. Just completely unacceptable and amateur rotations.

    Didn’t play DFS or any of our starters nearly enough, kept icing out Mikal when he was hot, didn’t start our starters in the fourth, kept playing lineups with 4 defensive liabilities at once, threw in the towel too early and let our third stringers get completely clowned on by the Sixers starters. I’ve lost all hope in him as a basketball coach.

    I know we are playing with house money but this was just fucking embarrassing and we messed up badly extending him

  3. pmayankees

    Bridges with 34 minutes in a playoff game is a fireable offense. So is Cam Johnson, our second best player today, with 27. Way too much run for Harris and Seth. Our best two young players both play *below* their season average in minutes in a playoff game that was reasonably close? Giving up with 5 minutes left down 15? Fire Vaughn as soon as this season over, his fetish for bench players has no place in the playoffs. Dude is clueless.

  4. EliManningham

    What pisses me off is that it wasn’t just Embiid dominating us. I understand the lack of talent against a team like this, but this loss is mostly on terrible rebounding and a horrific collective basketball IQ. Sixers got so many wide open looks off straight up miscommunications or Dinwiddie turnovers.

    This should have been a competitive game with a valiant loss.

  5. GSAV_Crimson

    Send Spence to the Guangdong Tigers

  6. Brooklyn_Net7

    19 TO and 5 offense rebounds. Awful man

  7. CarisLeVertsBurner

    I think we should be done with the Dinwiddie reunion. He’s part of the family and all that but the possessions of dribbling the air out of the ball, mostly awful shot selection, and like four or five of the worst lob pass attempts i’ve seen in my life… I know he had a great run assisting the ball since getting back here, i’m not a hater of his, but he’s not the starting PG this team needs.

    As much as I like him, JV shit the bed with the rotations. Trying out the Seth + Joe lineup in Q2 was questionable but doing it to start the 4th??? When we’re already down?? Was just begging Philly to go on a run like the one they went on.

  8. AyyyeRudy

    Well that was something….

    Can Mikal get more than 2 FTA in the 2nd half? He should be the vocal point on offense every time

  9. Terrible execution in the second half. Your best player had 5 touches the entire second half. That’s on JV. He needs to button up these rotations. Less Joe, more DFS for rebounding, and Spencer needs to get his shit together.

  10. Plusstwoo

    PJ had 5 Offensive boards
    Nets had 4

    PJ not out jumping ME… that’s all hustle to loose balls basically. Need more effort, shut down second chance points and most importantly get the ball out of Spencer dinwiddie hands and into Mikal and Cam hands

  11. KingofthisShit

    JV is a bad coach and Spence singlehandedly ruined the momentum multiple times, what’s new?

  12. SirBoolington

    JV and Dinwiddie deserve jail time for today. How do you just ice out mikal after he dropped 23 in a half? The series isn’t over but it’s entirely dependent on JV and Dinwiddie gaining some level of intelligence

  13. JohnFish2734

    Philly out hustled us plain and simple. Of course their going to out score us with they get 2 or 3 shots per possession while we only get 1. Also Dinwiddie was ass this game. This is why we need a proper point guard.

    Edit: I know it will continue to happen but please no more Seth + Joe minutes together

  14. DJBallerBear

    31 points off 19 Nets turnovers says it all..bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses

  15. shadow_spinner0

    Any chance Vaughn gets fired because I simply don’t see the good coaching some Nets fans see. I get Nash was bad but why Vaughn? And I understand having him coach the season, but why give him an extension, what did he do to deserve that? Now unless we eat the money and fire him, we are stuck with him.

  16. ughwhateverman

    This game is another example of why Spencer isn’t a lead guard. He’s a supporting character, not a lead actor

    The lobs were atrocious. I’m confused how an NBA guard is incapable of throwing a good lob (it isn’t just accuracy either, he throws them so slow sometimes and allows the defense to recover). His defense was the weak link, and I disagreed with him picking his spots at times. He needs to hit more outside shots.

    Spencer is miscast, which is nothing new. The team needs a better playmaker or needs to draft one and have Spencer be a placeholder until then in the offseason

  17. No excuse to come in as the underdog and get smoked on almost every loose ball.

  18. ScathachWhen

    Can we just simulate until the off-season?

  19. Downashland

    Gotta change the defensive schemes. Let Embiid cook and stop with the doubles

  20. OkExternal1776

    Why not start the 4th with Mikal CJ & CT? Why is he depending on Spence and dayron to start the 4th and keep us in the game… makes no sense

  21. shadow_spinner0

    This game highlights the Nets shortcomings. Coach Vaughn isn’t the right guy for this team. Bad rotations, Bridges only played 34 minutes and barely did anything in the second half, but we are stuck with him because he got an extension. Not to mention giving up with 5 minutes left, it’s the playoffs and the lead is not even at 20 yet smh.

    The lack of Hustle and Fight, is worrisome. They also continue the inability to rebound outside of Claxton. For the many good defenders this team supposedly acquired, we don’t play good defense. Lastly, got to get bigger and stronger at the 4 and 5 spots on the team. We also need an actual good point guard, Dinwiddie ain’t it.

  22. MrQuiteLimited9

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

  23. DarylMoore

    JV thinks finishing last in the playoffs gets you a first round pick in the draft. smh

  24. Pfinferno

    I expected to lose but not get completely out hustled. That’s embarrassing

  25. Swift_42690

    The defense is horrendous and that’s mainly on coaching. Terrible rotations and the switch everything defense is an awful game plan. Never wanted JV to be the full time coach so idk why Sean marks rushed to give an extension. He’s a mediocre coach who doesn’t understand the difference between regular season and playoff rotations.

    The starters should be getting heavy minutes and the rotation needs to be tightened. There’s no way that Seth curry should be getting minutes, he’s too small and a defensive liability.

  26. Wavesuit

    Our defense was fucking terrible. We really allowed them to make 20 threes. What the actual fuck

  27. TheRealRiGiD

    Dinwiddie gave the game away as many opportunities as he could. Really really bad game from him

  28. skinneej

    I don’t really understand why we won’t give Sumner a shot with the second unit. He brings a totally different style than Dinwiddie and always is high pace/energy.

    It might not work, but nothing else did either so…

  29. rohanpak

    Positives mikal and cam. We do unnecessary dumb shit and forget the basics, which kills us. The disgusting lobs are notable when you have so much space. I saw some excellent defensive possessions. The lack of star quality other than Mikal was evident, and Spencer was trying to do too much instead of keeping it simple. We will learn much from this series, which will help us in the off-season.

  30. If Spence tried that fucking alley oop one more time, I was gonna blow my god damn brains out.

    This is gonna be a rough series.

  31. shadow_spinner0

    Dinwiddie decided to throw Rick Fox’s name out there saying he was a nobody who got carried to titles. Rick Fox always had a sense of awareness for his role as a team player in big games, knew his limits. Dinwiddie thinks he’s better than he is and tries to do too much.

  32. shadow_spinner0

    You know what screw i, eat the money, fire Vaughn and sign Udoka. It’s been a year, he should be able to coach again, get an actual good coach for this team.

  33. Swaggyjg

    How has Dinwiddie been in the league so long and can’t make a competent lob pass?

  34. Claxton was invisible out there. We had other issues, but he needs to be better.

  35. brook_lyn_lopez

    Limit their second chance points and this was a very different game. We need to work on our lobs.

  36. The wise Charles Barkley once said on open court he ‘only looks at two stats, rebounds and turnovers. If you don’t rebound the ball and you turn it over you won’t win’

    Well tonight we got smashed on the offensive glass and turned it over nonstop so no wonder we lost.

  37. stvrwolf

    cam thomas got no burn til garbage time

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