@Boston Celtics

Post Game Thread: The Boston Celtics defeat The Atlanta Hawks 112-99

#Atlanta Hawks at Boston Celtics

TD Garden- Boston, MA




|Time Clock|

|ATL |19|25|31|24|99|
|BOS |29|45|20|18|112|

###Player Stats

**Atlanta Hawks**

|D. Hunter|29:37|11|4-10|1-4|2-2|0|3|3|0|2|0|1|4|-9
|J. Collins|29:08|12|5-7|0-1|2-2|1|3|4|1|0|2|1|3|-6
|C. Capela|26:32|12|6-8|0-0|0-0|0|8|8|0|1|0|0|0|-8
|D. Murray|35:56|24|10-25|0-6|4-4|2|6|8|6|3|0|1|1|-13
|T. Young|34:45|16|5-18|1-5|5-7|2|1|3|8|2|0|5|1|-14
|B. Bogdanovic|27:40|9|3-10|2-7|1-1|1|3|4|4|2|2|1|2|3
|O. Okongwu|19:07|3|0-4|0-0|3-4|5|0|5|0|0|0|0|3|-7
|S. Bey|23:51|6|2-6|1-4|1-2|1|3|4|3|2|0|1|0|-12
|J. Johnson|13:24|6|3-10|0-2|0-0|2|4|6|1|1|0|1|3|1

**Boston Celtics**

|J. Brown|37:01|29|12-23|2-6|3-3|4|8|12|3|1|0|6|3|11
|J. Tatum|39:58|25|10-23|3-7|2-2|0|11|11|2|0|0|2|2|16
|A. Horford|38:04|6|2-4|2-4|0-0|2|7|9|2|1|2|2|2|16
|D. White|38:30|24|7-13|4-7|6-7|1|4|5|7|0|2|2|1|13
|M. Smart|32:18|11|4-11|2-4|1-2|2|5|7|7|3|2|2|1|5
|R. Williams III|21:40|12|6-6|0-0|0-0|2|6|8|2|1|1|2|2|-7
|M. Brogdon|21:26|5|1-6|0-3|3-4|1|4|5|2|0|0|0|2|5
|S. Hauser|11:01|0|0-2|0-2|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|2|6
###Team Stats



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  1. HailKyrie

    Idgaf that the lead got cut shit happens just stop playing with your food.

    Bring me the brooms 🧹🧹

  2. ChickenWhiskers

    The only team that can beat the Celtics are the Celtics.

  3. A win’s a win, but damn, do we still have a lot of work to do. The turnovers are killer and that’s what killed us in the Finals last year.

  4. iAmTheRealLange

    All y’all doomers had a good 18 minutes there. Now stfu because Celtics in 4

  5. Brad-Stevens

    Good win, 1 down, 15 more!

    Jays with 25 pt double-doubles

    Rob and Al were great


    Annoying 2nd half, but that doesn’t matter in the playoffs, all that matters is W’s

  6. ThanosIsDoomfist

    Good win, but this team is so unserious about the Hawks man lmao. If it wasnt for lazy play with some shit reffing sprinkled in, our starters would be rested in the 4th.

  7. ElPotato117

    boston celtics try not to give me a heart attack challenge (impossible)

  8. thetruth0102

    Three things certain in life: Death, Taxes and Celtics blowing big leads. 15 wins to go!

  9. endlesscdqotw

    Took their foot off the gas in the 3rd, but otherwise a great win. If Brogdon shows up this game is over in the 3rd though

  10. ImDKingSama

    A 13-point win is still a 13-point win. Yes ,would’ve preferred not to blow a 30-point lead to get there, but they also played well enough to get that lead in the first place. This team just has the flaw of letting up, we just gotta accept that at this point. As long as they finish the job, that’s what matters.

    15 more wins to go. We are so clearly better than the Hawks, lock in enough to win and we should run through them.

  11. Alloverunder

    Nearly blew the blow out but hey, still a double digit win! Onto the next one, still Cs in 4 iykyk

  12. glazednipple

    White was the best player on the court

  13. ftlftlftl

    38 second half points is fucking gross. Glad we won but wtf was that shit. If Hawks don’t shoot like crap it would have been an issue.

  14. Dafatveteran

    Hear me and rejoice! You Hawks have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Forehead. You may think this is suffering. No… it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile… for even in death, you have become children of **Playoff** Derrick White.

  15. EAS1000

    Doomers are funny it’s the playoffs and Hawks didn’t get within 10 despite their push. Calls were one sided second half too. Come out strong next game and let’s go to Atlanta up 2-0!

  16. someguy31604

    Would have liked a more dominant second half but come the fuck on, they weren’t blowing that lead. LMAO. 1-0. On to game 2

  17. BannerEighteen

    15 more wins.

    Even though we fumbled the 30 point lead, we were in control the entire game so I’m not too worried. I think we’ll be less complacent playing Philly/Milwaukee.

  18. OHBSquishy

    Well, would u look at that, guys? We were fine 🤯

  19. gametimetime

    The majority of this fan base has so much anxiety man

  20. RampagingKoala

    Hi I’m the first half Celtics and I have DirectTV

    Hi I’m the second half Celtics and glue is my favorite food

  21. nucifere

    This is actually good, hawks are like our testing ground, helps us minimize mistakes in the future

  22. Sex_Luthor99

    Obviously more encouraged than discouraged, but I got a bit quiet in the third and start of the fourth

    I love how the Cs responds to the run after the timeout when it was cut to 12 and the defense down the stretch

  23. ItsJustTheSmells

    Smart haters in absolute shambles

  24. aja_ramirez

    The only teams that consistently lose big leads are the ones that consistently get big leads in the first place

  25. Organic_Climate_7585

    People need to learn the definition of “blowing a lead”. Another team making a run is not blowing a lead. You can’t blow a lead if you still keep that lead for the entire rest of the game. That literally is not blowing it. The lead just got smaller.

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