@Boston Celtics

The Hawks failed to stop The Great White Buffalo. 24 points on 7-13 FG and 4/7 3PT, 7 assists, 5 rebounds, 2 blocks, +13. LET. HIM. ROAM. 🦬

The Hawks failed to stop The Great White Buffalo. 24 points on 7-13 FG and 4/7 3PT, 7 assists, 5 rebounds, 2 blocks, +13. LET. HIM. ROAM. 🦬

by 1337speak


  1. igonnawrecku_VGC

    Hear me and rejoice! Your Atlanta Hawks have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Forehead. You may think this is suffering. No… it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile… for even in death, you have become children of Derrick White

  2. RepresentativeRock94

    it’s great the 180 this sub took with Mr. White. when he couldn’t make 3s everyone hated him on the squad and preferred Josh Richardson. BUT THE BUFFALO IS KING

  3. Plastic_Database_645

    Choosing buffalo over Murray (there were reports that Brad considered trading for him) is really an underrated move

  4. ChickenWhiskers

    Made Trae look like a silly little dust bunny under my son’s bed in the first half

  5. bullet_bill_69

    I’m a Lakers fan and this post converted me

  6. aja_ramirez

    I ran a poll comparing white, smart, and brogdon earlier in the season. I had white at the top but he came in a distant third. I wonder how that poll would look today?

  7. FuschiaKnight

    One small step for Buffalo, one giant leap for Banner 18

  8. mondomovieguys

    What are you gonna do when the Buffalo runs wild on you, brother?!

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