@Chicago Bulls

Initial thoughts seeing this?

Initial thoughts seeing this?

by SirKJT


  1. ClaymoresRevenge

    Sounds like changes are going to be made. I don’t think we’re going to see the same team and core going forward. Hope they evaluate Billy and have a plan in mind.

    I likely see us working something out with Portland and the us having a first round pick this year possibly or getting a depth piece. Either way it’s time to change.

  2. endofdays1987

    Tbh i think we just need to upgrade the coach. I dont know how any Chicago fan who watched the game last night sees differently.

    His refusal to keep Drummond in the game, keeps Caruso on Jimmy butler while Pat rides the bench and takes Coby out… Its inexcusable.

    That game was ours for the taking.

  3. bullpaw

    this press conference is so uninspiring, AK’s just patting himself on the back for going 14-9 after the allstar break.

    when asked about our lack of 3 point shooting and whether we’re going to target that this offseason, he pretty much said we have a lot of good shooters but they dont take enough shots. we’re so fucked with this guy at the helm.

  4. poopy_mc_pantsy

    lmao AKME is gonna get some rando $5M vet, do nothing else, Stephen Noh will post some fluff piece about how our new addition leads the league in heart per minute and we’ll look forward to next year lol

  5. Don’t get too worked up one way or another about generic press conference statements.

  6. CouncilOfTreants

    Being a fan of this team is so miserable. Can’t even look forward to the future. Our young guys aren’t developing and without a miracle we won’t have our pick this year and our 2025 pick is only top 10 protected. Buckle up for more 30-40 win seasons until 2030.

  7. chicago_bunny

    This is why I decided not to renew my season tickets for next year.

  8. Imhere4thejokes

    This team needs a true floor general pg and a 4 that can rebound, until that happens or Lonzo can make a full recovery this will continue to be a .500 team.

  9. flyingShaq

    Bulls are on the path to becoming the Wizards 2.0, a perennial 35-42 win team with an overpaid combo guard as it’s best player.

    I think for AK and Reinsdorf, they’re fine with that outcome. AK gets to keep his job and Reinsdorf keeps raking in millions. As a fan though, there’s nothing worse than mediocrity in the NBA. Bulls have been so bad in the last 7 years, save for last seasons insanity, I adopted another team. I just can’t waste my time when it’s clear the team is going nowhere.

  10. Altruistic-Leader-81

    Wow 14-9! Recency Bias is a terrible way to run a professional sports team

  11. GafSimons

    It’s sad that AK is eerily similar to GarPax so far. Simply mediocre as fuck in every way. No future game plan. I have become a critic of him majorly and for good reason – I think he’s a bottom 5 exec so far in the years he’s had. Middling roster with no shooters, extended Billy, traded for Vuc. The guy reaks of Reinsdorf average

  12. allknowerofknowing

    I just don’t know what people realistically expect in order to be more competitive.

    The way we stay the most competitive for next season is if we keep the big 3. What role players do you think we get in return that will lead to winning more than 1 of demar zach or vuc?

    And most usually say to keep pwill, coby, caruso, (even drummond too) and hopefully terry becomes part of the rotation. If we keep the big 3, that is 7-8 players of what should realistically end up being an 8-9 man rotation at some point. We could add maybe 1 more good shooter or PF. Maybe a PG, but idk who.

    Now I know some people will say trade some of the big 3, but again realistically no one we get in exchange any of the big 3 leads to more wins with whatever role players/picks we get back. Vuc does a lot on offense and we will become a significantly worse offensive team if we swap him for some young rim protector (really idk who people expect to get in that regard). Demar’s scoring can’t be replaced, neither can Zach’s. The big 3 is our best shot at being competitive. And I don’t think we should abandon our young players either.

    So I think we need to either blow it all up (the big 3 + possibly caruso) and tank/prioritize the young guys, or make some slight retools and hope for pwill/coby/terry to continue to develop. Maybe get a PG or PF without giving up much, but idk who or how.

  13. sparkles119

    This organization is exhausting. I really think they would be happy squeaking into the playoffs every year.

  14. 100explodingsuns

    Generic “we finished strong” sentiment. Glad to see nothing will change

  15. ExpertPipeLayer

    On the right path? We couldn’t string more than 3 wins in a row for 84 games played. Straight up delusional unless changes are made to the roster and coaching staff.

  16. Obi_Wan_Gebroni

    This guy is a fucking clown and every bit as terrible as GarPax

  17. Ok-Distribution-2278

    You can expect this core group to be back next year. Continuity doesn’t mean 2 years. If they really believe in that this will be the core for the next 2 or 3 seasons with improvement on the edges. Shooting. Size. And a point guard.

  18. CaptainNipplesMcRib

    I love the Bulls more than any other Chicago team, but it’s becoming harder and harder to give a shit about them. I barely watched them this year because we all knew they were AT BEST a first round exit.

    The only way you win in this league is with super stars, and they have none and no draft capital. I was thrilled when they canned Garpax but AKME have not been impressive at all. Fuck the Reinsdorfs for neutering one of the most rabid fan bases in sports with their inept ownership.

  19. -Buckaroo_Banzai-

    This is it.

    If this off season is another crap fest, I’m gonna give up on this franchise completely until Jerry sells it off.

    I simply can’t take any more of this bullshit.

  20. flameo_hotmon

    14-9 is not good enough if we’re being honest, and one of those wins was a Mavs tank job, so realistically they should’ve finished 13-10. That’s the same win percentage as a 46 win team. It’s not enough

  21. skullcandy541

    I knew the second half of the season was gonna make them want to keep this core together. All they’re gonna do this off season is let Green walk and try to get a shooter to replace him.

  22. kwintz87

    I don’t know how this guy isn’t considered one of the worst 2-3 executives in the entire league and he instills ZERO confidence going forward. What a disaster.

  23. namdnas3

    What needs to happen? Jump in a time machine and don’t sign a mediocre coach to a secret contract extension. Between that, AK’s blindingly rose-colored glasses, owing two 1st rounders in the next three years, and the roster’s needs vs. salary situation, we’re fucked.

  24. Brodie1567

    Amazing how different this team was with Lonzo. Bulls desperately need a true PG.

    And a new coach.

  25. ndunks1

    Lol being proud of a 14-9 stretch is so pathetic

  26. ChicagoDreamTeam

    I’m glad everyone is finally seeing the light. We’re running back the same team next year. This guy BLOWS and I might have been the first person to say so. Doesn’t talk at all, which btw isn’t that Eversley’s job? Why don’t we ever hear from him?, and is totally fine being in the middle of the pack. Maybe that’s because the Reinsdorfs are, so let me know when that changes

  27. ducksonaroof

    glad to hear AK got a bunch of you annoying redditors to give up on the team due to mediocrity. Thank god and good riddance!

  28. YoHoochIsCrazy

    Um… he’s right.

    They played great defense together, but still need some more 3 point shooting. This will undoubtedly be the “what needs to be improved”. I don’t think they’re that far off.

  29. Marcus11599

    The coaching needs to be improved. The game plans are terrible. The culture needs to be improved. Guys are there to get paid and chuck up shots, no effort on defense. Coby white was so solid down the stretch but I hope he walks.

  30. hamsandnish

    He fucked us with the Vuc trade we are stuck in mediocrity unless he offload players at a premium but we just don’t have the star power or picks to do any of that. Limbo.

  31. hankbaumbach

    No…we were a .500 ball club all year.

    Making a desperate push to the playoffs, that ultimately failed, is not something to build off of as the roster was supposed to be constructed as a lock for the playoffs every year.

    Sure Lonzo was hurt, but the Bulls roster was still good enough as constructed to beat the likes of Atlanta, Miami, Toronto and vastly underperformed, for which someone needs to be held accountable.

    In your genius, you secretly extended Billy Donovan so instead of being able to hide behind a coaching change, you are now forced to do *something* with this roster because keeping it the same and coming out of the gates .500 again is absolutely a firable offense.

    I’m willing to cut AKME some slack in doing the best they could with a flawed foundation they inherited but now is not the time to rest on your laurels of *checks notes* trading for Vuc and signing Derozan and Caruso.

  32. spicyfartz4yaman

    David blatt the front office version 🤔

  33. LordCunningham84

    I only turn on a bulls game because in the winter there’s nothing else to do. I wish it was something to be excited about.

  34. Lysol20

    Ask Sox fans about these end of season sit downs and off season plans. It’s all BS.

  35. No-Pay8328

    Coby to starting Pg
    Zach SG
    Demar SF
    New PF
    Vuc or Drummond C

  36. RespectYoSmelf

    “We feel like we’re on the right path”

    Literally **FUCKING HOW?!?!** the team regressed from last season!!!

  37. Fastball82

    Your record says who you are, period.

  38. mberry86

    “Well we dont want to be a 40 win team, but you know we had a 50 win pace kinda for a little bit”

  39. vegrock91

    He did exactly what the owner wanted. Built a team not so bottom barrel to suck ass and be a team good enough to just get there

  40. anotherafo

    It sounds like they want to run it back and try to convince us that this team can win a playoff series 💀💀

  41. We are fucked, this means no serious changes and coaches are staying

  42. We5ties

    It’s just the basic words a front office guy says the day after the last game.

  43. Sad-Paper8573

    The Bulls thought Zach and Demar were winners. They are not and never will be. They got to go. Blow it up.

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