@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Draymond Green takes a seat on Sabonis, preventing him from getting involved on a crucial game defining play

[Highlight] Draymond Green takes a seat on Sabonis, preventing him from getting involved on a crucial game defining play

by NitroXYZ


  1. _Jetto_

    LMAO the final 3 mins was absurd that 4th was crazy and hope there is more to come

  2. MrAppleSpoink

    Warriors fans were crying about the refs in the game thread lmao

  3. robert0076

    This was a foul. Idk why the refs didnt call this.

  4. harden4mvp13

    This dude has a sexual assault problem when it comes to playoff games

  5. BBallHunter

    I did pay attention to that and was like what the fuck.

    He was about to get up quickly but then decided to just take a dump on Sabonis.

  6. OhhWowzers

    He’s seriously so fucking weird lol

  7. world_of_kings

    Lol ref staring at it and not doing anything, how can you be so blind?

  8. sbstooge

    Looks like a natural standing motion to me 🫢

  9. Neuroxex

    I think the officiating was pretty even. This should have been a foul on Draymond though lmao

  10. lebrondude23

    I was thinking about this, imagine it was like LeBron or KD or Kawhi back there you think the ref would just let that happen? Sabonis got hosed by a ref too afraid to blow his whistle

  11. Objectitan

    Warriors fans told me the refs rigged the game for the Kings though

  12. Shark_Train

    The fake attempt to get up is what gets me. Is he pretending to slip at the end there? 🤣

  13. Zoratth

    Is there any other player that could get away with that besides Draymond?

  14. blue7999

    I saw him sit back down on Sabonis and wondered if that back ref was going to blow the whistle behind the play, and then I remembered it’s Draymond.

  15. Next-Firefighter-753

    Fuck this guy. Will forever be a Draymond hater since the day he kicked Steven Adams in the family jewels. Dirty bitch.

  16. jellyfishfrgg

    I saw that and was so confused. You’re allowed to do that?

  17. Reidroshdy

    I was listening to the game in the car while on my break at work and the way our announcer said it,I thought they were fighting.

  18. BoneyardBill

    Draymond is the definition of dirty. Fuck him.

  19. theoldgreenwalrus

    Sabonis lucky Draymond didn’t go for a secret nut shot

  20. So fucking dirty. Nothing about basketball at all involved in this play. They should fine and suspend his ass for this

  21. Burrow2023MVP

    Refs are pathetic letting him get away with shit repeatedly

  22. MilesGreb

    The ref saw this, knew it was hella cheating and dirty, he looked right at it…and did nothing. He did not call a foul.


  23. abris33

    Draymond on his usual bullshit and the refs still letting him get away with it. Just be grateful that eyeballs and nutsacks stayed safe tonight

  24. CalppithSlap

    Draymond has been in so many playoff games for so long that he knows just the right amount of dirty work that he can get away with.

  25. -vanking023-

    is there a player with a longer lease than Draymond?

  26. DancingConstellation

    Dirtiest player in the league

  27. Happy_Yogurtcloset_2

    Jumps on his podcast in the hotel right after: “That last play, Sabonis did me dirty, but we talked about it and we’re cool now, looking forward to Game 2”

  28. daymanahhhahhhhhh

    The shit draymond gets away with us crazy. I will never forget them saying they don’t hand out double techs if it’ll kick out a player. SMH.

  29. landlion35

    Draymond Green would have to actually murder someone on the court for the refs to call a foul ok him. Although I am still not confident they would.

  30. mantmant832

    Draymond will do something like this every game and warriors fans will act like the refs are out to get them cause curry didn’t get a call on a soft bump layup

  31. Abject-Target5215

    Another dirty pos play committed by Draymond Green. And chicken shit refs scared to call anything against him.

  32. nswoodman85

    Dude just sucks. I can’t wait till i never have to hear or see him again.

  33. KingsElite

    This would be hilarious if it weren’t infuriating

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