@Atlanta Hawks

I knew Trae’s shooting has been bad but man.

I knew Trae’s shooting has been bad but man.

by Chessh2036


  1. primocheese1947

    But but all you are doing is making the heat series stats much more important.

  2. AesopsTable2

    The Trae stans that pollute this sub make me never want to participate here again. It’s bordering on Jeremy Lin stan tier of delusion. I would 100% take Linsanity00 over half these guys

  3. techno-wizardry

    That span is over the last ECF game, in which Trae was playing through his ankle injury, the Heat series, which they sold out to stop him and got away with a lot of dirty play, and this most recent game against the Celtics, in which the entire team shot like shit.

    7 games is very very cherry picked. If you open it up to like 10 games then it includes his 40+ point game in the ECF and a couple of other good ones. I get he hasn’t shot well in the playoffs but it’s not like he hasn’t showed up and carried the team time and time again. ESPN doing ESPN things.

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