@Milwaukee Bucks

[Nehm] Giannis’ MRI last night confirmed the original x-ray assessment, “clean”. Still no official update from Bud on how Antetokounmpo is feeling physically as the Bucks did not practice today, just a film session.

As always, our success in the long run depends so critically on the health of Giannis, so let’s continue to hope for the best, as other sources have echoed that their is optimism our man will return for Game 2.

by methodeum


  1. YourFormerBestfriend

    I guess I’ll cancel my tailbone donation appointment now

  2. So he was at the film session? I need details about our king!

  3. tsagalbill

    Clean MRI is as best as you can get. He’ll be fine by tomorrow

  4. Dischucker

    They should have had a shooting session today

  5. sentientcreatinejar

    Back to the regularly scheduled title run.

  6. Giannisisnumber1

    Great news. Herro broke his hand too so that’s a huge break for the Bucks in this series.

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