@Washington Wizards

Kuzma is my new favorite player

Kyle Kuzma recently became my favorite player (by recent I mean as of 2:00PM today) not because of his skills on the court, but because of his genuine and kind personality in the real world.
During a recent flight I sat next to Kuzma for 3+ hours, I wasn’t aware it was him till after the flight because he did not take off his bandana, during the flight I actually assumed he played in the NBA because of his height. I even asked jokingly “what nba team you play for”.
Kuzma not only handled himself with humility and grace, but he also went out of his way to help other passengers with their luggage from the overheads.
It was clear that he didn’t do it for show or to gain attention, but simply because he is a good-hearted person. Again, he never took off his mask inside the plane, so l’m very sure no one even recognized him.
As a fan of basketball, I have always admired Kuzma’s game, but it was his selfless actions today off the court that truly won me over.
In a world where so many celebrities and athletes are consumed with their own image and fame, it was refreshing to see someone who cared about others and was willing to lend a helping hand.

Kuzma’s actions are a testament to the fact that being a great athlete isn’t just about having physical talent or skill, but also about having character and integrity. He has shown me (and hopefully others) that it’s possible to be successful and humble at the same time, and that kindness can go a long way in making a positive impact on others.

Today, Kyle Kuzma has become my favorite basketball player not because of his skills on the court, but because he’s showed me his true colors.

by kickingpuppiez


  1. Incompl

    Thanks for sharing. He definitely seems like a good dude.

  2. Joshottas

    He just seems like a genuine person. I view him as more of the de-facto captain of the team because he doesn’t mince his words and it doesn’t come off as hollow.

  3. sparkysparkyboom

    If Kyle Kuzma has one million fans i am one of them. if Kyle Kuzma has ten fans i am one of them. if Kyle Kuzma only has one fan,I am that fan. if Kyle Kuzma has no fans, that means i am no longer on this earth. if the world is against Kyle Kuzma , i am against the world. i will love Kyle Kuzma till my last breath….

  4. Truthful_Azn

    Kuz looking like he is still in an LA gang. Not very inconspicuous when you are 6ft 9.

  5. gingerboiii

    This is exactly what wizards fans needed today, bless my man kuz

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