@Atlanta Hawks

Multiple sources tell @SBTribune that former @NDmbb coach Mike Brey plans to join Atlanta Hawks as assistant coach for Quin Snyder next season. No college head coaching job. No TV. Brey has bought a house in ATL … will be escaping snowy South Bend in mid-May.

Multiple sources tell @SBTribune that former @NDmbb coach Mike Brey plans to join Atlanta Hawks as assistant coach for Quin Snyder next season. No college head coaching job. No TV. Brey has bought a house in ATL … will be escaping snowy South Bend in mid-May.

by ahend1999


  1. givemesome1ce1

    Really good offensive coach in College…could make this team be great next year.

  2. mundane_marietta

    Great mind for the game. I’m a big ACC fan and Brey quickly became one of my favorite coaches when they joined the conference

  3. No_Internal404

    Quin building a staff before the season even over lmaoo love it .. but definitely a good move , brey runs a NBA style offense he’ll translate easily

  4. Don’t know enough about him. This a good move?

  5. kerfufflest

    Interesting – he was on Duke’s staff when Quin was a player from 1987-1989, and then left the same year that Quin rejoined Duke as a coach (1995)

  6. Kinda cool that he already bought a house. Quin is going to lay a long term foundation for this franchise.

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