@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Draymond Green riles up the Sacramento crowd while they review him stomping on Sabonis

[Highlight] Draymond Green riles up the Sacramento crowd while they review him stomping on Sabonis

by StyleMC


  1. doizernasty

    How many times is he going to get himself in these situations

  2. IRanOutOf_Names

    Bro you just sabotaged your own team.

  3. PeteTopKevinBottoms

    “I still think I did the right thing”

    Dude is just insufferable

  4. Pilot_G3

    Dude would be taking orders at Wendy’s if he was drafted by the pistons

  5. xpillindaass

    dude is such a clown. and the warriors back him so hard its weird

  6. asapshrank

    intentional or not the taunting is DISGUSTING in a situation like this

  7. UnderstandableXO

    i never hated a player more than him

  8. thegreaterfool714

    PF on Sabonis. And Flagrant 2 on Draymond. That’s a fair ruling.

  9. The1AndOnlyJZ

    Does anyone who’s not a Warriors fan like this guy?

  10. TheWestRemembers

    Isn’t Silver in the crowd? You really want him embarrassing the NBA like this, Nosferatu??

  11. Lynch47

    Dude needs to be suspended. Gonna incite a Malice in the Palace situation one day.

  12. BlackBullZWarrior

    Has anyone done the obligatory insecurity is loud post?

  13. Awwh_Dood

    Bush league. If the league doesn’t suspend him then they’re bitches. That was disgusting

  14. RedditRequiresEmails

    Oh the Warriors are actually worried about this series now huh

  15. Guts709

    Imagine acting like this when you did something dirty, and have a teammate clapping like it’s good. This shit sucks, lol

  16. StoneColdAM

    ESPN: “Draymond showed a fiery intensity when engaging with the Sacramento fans! 🔥 #PlayoffMode”

  17. WaluigiParty

    What the hell are all the GS coaches and players doing just letting him agitate the crowd like that? That was one beer away from a “Malice at the Palace” situation.

  18. AnAngryPanda1

    I wonder if Steve Kerr thinks stomping on another players chest is breaking the code?

  19. bettr30

    He’s gonna be remembered for completely wrecking his teams chance to defend their title. First the punch now this.

  20. GooseMay0

    Get ready for a long winded rant from him about how awful and vile the fans are and victimize himself.

  21. beam_enthusiast

    Kick this piece of shit out of the league. Constantly doing this shit to people

  22. Majestic_United

    And ppl hate Dillon Brooks more than this guy?? LOL for days.

  23. newvpnwhodis

    They should make his suspension an extra game just for this.

  24. UpcycledSkateArt

    Can’t wait for the 5 minute self narrated TNT special about how he’s a victim again before the next game lol

  25. Everyone will forget that two minutes before the stomp he “accidentally” (on purpose) hip checked Sabonis on the baseline and got a tech for it, which then got rescinded.

    If the refs let that (correct) call stand, maybe it doesn’t get to the level of the stomp. Refs enable him.

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