@Golden State Warriors

Footage shows Sabonis grabbing and pulling Klay’s jersey before falling and grabbing Draymond’s ankle.


by sxn_dhu


  1. Inevitable-Ad-4192

    Trying hurt Dray, he fucked around and found out! Should have been a double tech and end of story.

  2. Cooltrainer_Nick

    Drays dumb but the only reason that dude is even on the ground is because he tried to pull Klay down on top of him to get a foul.

  3. Jabbajaw

    Sabonis was just out of control in the hopes of hurting someone. We have all played enough basketball to know. Similar to the play last year when M. Smart rolled Steph’s ankle.

  4. Far-Poetry9494

    Bro wtf he tried to hurt klay fell to the ground to be a victim of the foul and then tried to hurt dray wow

  5. CookieMonsterNova

    he knew what he was doing.

    no one shoved him no one pushed him. he fell cause he had a whole lot of klays jersey and try to pull/fling him to the ground because he didn’t have rebounding position. he then rolled into a bunch of legs, which is a dangerous play in itself.

    the kings have been doing that a lot in the series, the shoves to the lower back, the hooking, the flailing. there’s been alot of physical play in the first two games but the refs are letting alot of it go for the kings while calling it extra tight on the warriors.

    sadly warrior/draymond haters are out in full force. draymond could do no right in the situation, think about it, on sat, the narrative was that he sat on sabonis and that made him a dirty player. now the narrative is, he should’ve just sat on or fallen on sabonis but he “stomped” him so he’s a dirty player. it’s stupid.

  6. hadinger

    Goebert-levels of chaos, just throwing his limbs uncontrollably in the paint

  7. BobRoss4Life

    Doesn’t excuse Draymond’s actions

  8. NathanD1234

    No matter what, Dray haters and the NBA fandom won’t look at this objectively because of their hate for Draymond. Everyone saying he should’ve fallen down are either blind or are just choosing no to see how Draymond did try to jump and move away but his leg was being held by Sabonis and is the reason why he landed there. Falling in the wrong direction could’ve been even worse for Draymond

  9. Unrecognizedman

    I think because of this draymond will not be suspended right?

  10. tmoeagles96

    Draymond should step on his bitch ass again

  11. Roythaboy

    I really thought I liked Domas and the kings. Why box out or go up strong, when simply acting like a bitch and foul baiting gets the job done.

  12. canceroustool

    Grabbing onto something while falling down means what exactly?😭 yall gotta stop this munching

  13. Alternative_Switch52

    They tried their best not to get the warriors in Bonus

  14. hoffmanmclaunsky

    It’s so clear that both guys are really toeing the line on every play. Then they get wrapped up and everyone sees what they want to see. I guess that’s playoff basketball.

  15. BerkelMarkus

    Sabonis is dirty.

    Draymond is dirty.

    There. Can we be done now?

    I’m so over this. Let the league do whatever it’s going to–presumably they have all this footage–and let’s just get back to basketball.

  16. ritwikjs

    both should’ve been ejected. kings are a poorer team without sabonis than we are without draymond

  17. DatBoiLight21

    I like how even this sub has turned its back on Dray. Do they not realize the context of the situation? They have the momentum, there was no rim protection since Sabonis was on the floor, it was a fast break transition, he is the best playmaker on the floor, and Sabonis was grabbing onto his ankle, and it was a close Playoff game. No one in that situation would “just fall” — especially as someone as hungry as Draymond. This sub turned on Dray real quick 🤷‍♂️

  18. Beginning_Value623

    Fuck Sabonis. I really hope we come out in games 3 & 4

  19. jav0wab0

    Wtf was Sabonis doing???? This literally looks like a wrestling move. He just grabbed Klay and pulled back almost like a lazy suplex. Could have really hurt someone rolling on their legs. I still agree Dray could have done a bit more to not completely step on Sabonis, but I don’t believe the step was anywhere near as hard as Sabonis made it seem. Dray needs to be smarter, he needs to kill them with kindness and just straight up flop and fall down if they grab his ankles.

  20. Milkslayer

    Hope the NBA looks into this. Suspend both in G3.

  21. stretchthyarm

    Post on r/nba to see how many downvotes any counter evidence to Draymond being a serial murderer will amass

  22. eexxiitt

    This should be posted on the nba sub lol

  23. No-Astronomer139

    What’s the point of this? To justify Draymond stepping on his chest?

  24. abestract

    Wait till they come to Chase, they’re gonna find out quick that the Warriors at home are not gonna take this crap. We will blow them out!

  25. DivinesOmen

    I understand what dray did was wrong and I don’t condone the stomp that occurred. But it seems like everyone is so blindsided by the boogeyman (dray) on the other team, that thier turning a blind eye to sabonis playing dirty.

  26. Robdata

    I dont know how anyone is defending this, Sabonis is a piece of shit player and was doing this all game if you look at the tape.

  27. SHoGuN_DrAgO

    Sabonis also pushed Wiggins while he was in the air shooting. Dude was pushing people in the back for rebounds all game. He flopped around and he absolutely tried to pull Klay down with him. Also Draymond is dumb for stomping him and I’m no expert on anatomy but it looked more like his stomach, but this whole narrative of him stomping the chest and ribs is making it seem even worse.

  28. jesseserious

    Probably unlikely, but is there a viable scenario where they suspend BOTH Draymond and Sabonis? Sabonis did a a few dangerous and intentional things on this play too.

  29. NeverFake

    I can’t wait to smoke a Sabonis pack after we win the series 😤

  30. TylerDurdensAlterEgo

    Thank you! I’ve been beside myself watching Sabonis do this stuff. He’s really good at it too. Looney’s 5th foul is exhibit A.

    My take is it’s karma for all of Bogut’s screens

  31. Jail_bird3300

    But but he’s protecting his head!

  32. pok3ey3

    Omg downvote me all you want but you guys are all delusional. The only reason he grabs the jersey is because klay elbows him and makes him lose balance. Have you ever lost your balance before unexpectedly?? You instinctively try to grab something wtf is wrong with you guys

  33. kapeck69

    Jersey grabbing happens all the time FFS!!! 🤦‍♂️

  34. xGMPunkx

    holding onto the jersey because hes getting knocked over

  35. rnbecker

    The kings have been playing super fucking dirty – IE Mitchell on curry has Been disgusting

  36. Noiserawker

    He could have easily injured klay with that pull down then could have injured dray right after…whatever you think about what dray did it doesn’t happen without Sabonis dirty AF play right before.

  37. Aggravating_Impact97

    You can also see Thompson throwing his forarm into Sabonis ribs and that seemed to have cause him to tumble. This is verified by the broadcast angle. You also see that Sabonis lets green go nearly right away. His foot was free. You can also do Wiggins start to help Sabonis up but then green stomps on him and he runs off lol.

    Love how you edited out the stomp though. Classy stuff.

  38. pericles123

    You guys need to reevaluate yourselves if you’re defending Draymond in this instance

  39. Fragrant-Astronaut57

    Sabonis is playing dirty and acting like a huge pussy at the same time, truly remarkable and resembles the euro league soccer players approach. The problem is that draymond is the nba’s most hated player, and nobody has watched sabonis play on national television before this series. He’s the new guy on the block getting bullied by the leagues biggest villain in everyone’s eyes.

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