@Philadelphia 76ers

[Austin Krell] Embiid says Harden has been getting fouled a lot and calls it “insane” that he hasn’t been to the free throw line once in these first 2 games.

[Austin Krell] Embiid says Harden has been getting fouled a lot and calls it “insane” that he hasn’t been to the free throw line once in these first 2 games.

by TheCommunistLizard


  1. TheCommunistLizard

    Even Embiid realizes Harden has been getting shafted by the refs. Harden needs to start taking more mid range shots to open things up

  2. xychosis

    He really has been shafted. Sure, you can argue that the contact isn’t insane or anything, but if you’re gonna give the Nets calls like that one drive by Bridges where he took a small bump and flailed for the continuation, you gotta give Harden the call when he drives and has a guy draped on his arm. Consistency.

  3. LuckyCulture7

    Then there is Tobias who gets mugged at least twice a game but never gets calls.

  4. Ill_Requirement_3017

    The NBA has a mandate, apparently, that simply reads, “Fuck Harden”.

  5. Successful-Bag2366

    Can someone put together a Harden getting fouled compilation?

  6. tonypearcern

    I didn’t even realize that. Yeah, totally fucked. You can’t have the ball as much as Harden and not get fouled at least once in two games

  7. Halfonion

    I’m fine with them not calling every single piece of contact, they just have to remember that should be going both ways.

  8. handee_sandees

    The overcorrection against Harden has been ridiculous. How does the same player playing the same style go from averaging close to 12 free throws a game to 6? The ref bias against harden is clear.

  9. fkdkshufidsgdsk

    Wow he hasn’t been to the line once in 2 games? Insanity

  10. Successful-Dig2818

    I just wish he’d use his basketball genius brain to realize what’s happening and stop driving into traffic when it literally never works for him. You’re not the old harden, take jumpers and facilitate

  11. abouttreefiddyy

    Off topic, has Harden dunked the ball since he’s been on Sixers?

  12. International-Dish95

    I dipped into the r/nba game thread for kicks and good lord there was nothing but bumbiid, flipper etc after dude was getting smacked around. Those people then got really quiet when the guys started to take over midway through the third and fourth. Hilarious 🤡🤡🤡

    Both tobi and harden should be getting that whistle when they do get mugged. Not sure if the refs are playing the game where they don’t want to get duped by harden “foul baiting”. He’s going in strong at the very least.

  13. Final_Ad_3456

    The last time Harden didn’t go to the line 2 games in a row? In his OKC days in 2009/2010. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t go to the line in the next game, and it will be the first in Harden’s career not going to the line in 3 straight games.

  14. edwardsscreenname

    Major over correction. When the Sixers, who averaged 25 free throw attempts a game during the regular season, don’t get more whistles than Brooklyn, who was 25th in the league in free throw attempts, it’s not a “playoff whistle” it’s an inconsistent whistle. That or these two teams literally swapped offensive play styles, which seems inaccurate.

  15. MoreOfAGrower

    JFC I did not realize he didn’t go even once… he’s been getting fouled a lot too. That’s insane.

  16. 13BeardsIN1

    Harden use have a floater for Gobert matchup, I wonder why he doesn’t go back to it

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