@Golden State Warriors

[Shams Charania] Draymond suspension unlikely; Will probably face a fine

[Shams Charania] Draymond suspension unlikely; Will probably face a fine

by Sirge


  1. Vast-Cheetah-3755

    You’d think the entire world is united in executing Draymond if you go on r/nba. Their hate echo chamber doesn’t allow them to be rational. Suspension was never happening. Toxic bums

  2. lolhaa2

    cue the comeback

    warriors played good defense.. wiggins was doing such a good job on fox at the start.. then the fking turnovers

  3. Can’t wait to watch r/nba cry about this

  4. sf_warriors

    r/nba is going to lose sleep over this..fcking dumbwits

  5. AffectionateSoup24

    LETS GOO! We have a chance now.

  6. No_Jelly_6050

    I never understood why he’d be suspended anyway. He didn’t do enough to warrant that, he got the flagrant 2 and sabonis started it.

  7. Dynasty_30

    What did I tell y’all last night

    He’s not getting suspended. The league wants a long series.

    Also he was already punished during the game.

    Hopefully we can channel the energy in the right way and get back in this series

  8. IsThisMe8

    Most players are on Draymond’s side and that pretty much explains it.

  9. santinerino

    If we’re gonna be honest this is a pretty spineless reaction by Adam Silver, Draymond definitely deserved a one game suspension. It’s good for us that he didn’t get it, but fuck me did he deserve it. Oh well. Can’t do anything about it, let’s just hope we can win the next game so we don’t get made fun of even more.

  10. prediscan

    Now we need to make it count, win these next two at home and take it from there.

  11. AffectionateSoup24

    The folks over at r/nba are having an absolute meltdown. It’s kind of hilarious how much of a villain the Dubs are at this point. Will be funny if they come back and win

  12. its_easy_mmmkay

    Vindicating. If that was viewed by the league as an intentional stomp, he’d deserve whatever suspension they threw at him. But it’s been clear since the broadcast that it wasn’t that so this is no surprise.

    But it wasn’t that and this is about as close to an admission by the league as we are going to get.

  13. Evenseeker

    /r/NBA nephews in shambles. God I want the warriors to knock the Kings out of the playoffs so bad just to see the meltdown.

  14. anchorsteamer

    Draymond lost benefit of the doubt over the course of his career. What he did in response to Sabonis was excessive. He was ejected and the Warriors lost the game.

    My belief reviewing the video was that Draymond was legitimately entangled, realized too late where he was stepping, and tried not to put all his weight on Sabonis. It wasn’t targeted or malicious, but it was clumsy and we should expect pro athletes to do better than that.

  15. baan1994

    Thé nba sub is about to be in shambles 😂😂😂😂

  16. FaithIsFoolish

    Drama queens in /r/NBA are out in force

  17. PestySamurai

    This whole thing has put a real stain on an exciting playoff series. Super disappointed.

  18. LeFraudJamesSucks

    sabonis should be suspended 1 game for this. crazy how he tried to take out draymond ankles on purpose and the league doesn’t bat an eye SMH

  19. JayDogon504

    The tears in the NBA Reddit are so delicious. They really thought their outcry meant it was the obvious decision 🤣🤣🤣

  20. benballernojohnnyda

    let’s see if draymond actually plays good now he’s been ass so far. turn over machine and not doing much on offense

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