@Houston Rockets

KJ deleted pretty quickly lol

by ST012Mi


  1. CosmicRaccoonCometh

    Well, I guess I’ll feel less bad if we end up trading him now then….

    pick 20 and KJ to move up in the draft looking even better now.

  2. SirRobertFord

    come on KJ, it would hurt less if he said utah jazz is his dream team to play for.

  3. SongYoungbae

    Yeah, fuck em for having an opinion on the matter that goes against the general public. His opinion is exactly like everyone else’s despite him being in the NBA too.

  4. TariEasonTheGoat

    He means ridiculous in that the suspension was for only one game, right? Right???

  5. _s0lace_

    Same guy that kicked somebody in the face so no surprise

  6. NoirSon

    Some people seriously got Draymond on this issue. I guess all that good behavior the last few seasons earned him some benefit of the doubt or something.

    But on the real if he wasn’t on a Championship defending team or he would have done that to someone at a higher star or super star level that the NBA was pushing we all know he would have gotten multiple games. Even if he didn’t put his full weight on it that was clearly an avoidable act he performed placing his foot on that man’s chest. Sabonis shouldn’t have grabbed his leg but Draymond took that too far.

  7. bkiantx

    Imo he deserved it. History and all.

    But tbh, he probably doesn’t get suspended if he doesn’t go after the crowd like he did. They pan to Silver literally pointing at that as it goes on and saying stuff to the guy next to him.

  8. ILpf_80

    He got stepped onā€¦ ok, ppl be outraged over minimal stuff. Draymond IS a dirty player but sabonis opened that door with the ankle grab.

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