@Golden State Warriors

[Thompson] Looney said Sabonis’ physicality is just normal big man stuff. Pushing. Shoving. Grabbing. Elbows. Looney said he loves it, hopes to get benefit of the doubt from refs in Game 3

[Thompson] Looney said Sabonis’ physicality is just normal big man stuff. Pushing. Shoving. Grabbing. Elbows. Looney said he loves it, hopes to get benefit of the doubt from refs in Game 3

by NokCha_


  1. sundaequeen

    Loon is too pure for this world 🥺

  2. Jicama-Smart

    this is the way Loon. Follow the Shai method and you will be rewarded.

  3. ajm1197

    See loon ain’t no bitch. Build the man a statue

  4. TylerDurdensAlterEgo

    What a mature approach to handling adversity! A good example for others to follow 😉

  5. Herbetet

    That’s the mentality Loon, catch them with honey

  6. Fluffy_Psychology418

    Looney owned that bitch in game 1 so the refs had to stop him in game 2.

  7. J12345_

    That’s how most reasonable fans feel. It’s playoff basketball

  8. wolfishnickelsyr

    This man is too humble and too saintly. May he be rewarded with a triple double, another championship and lots of money

  9. imminentjogger5

    it’s fine if the refs let Looney do the same thing but they don’t

  10. InfiniteDub

    There’s a level of calmness lol they know they have to win and can’t be caught up in this mess.

  11. So he will not flop like majority of the other team players. Damm it Loon. GSW need to hire some body to teach their players to flop.

  12. calartnick

    I agree with Loon. I’d rather let them both play, but if they want to call it tight gotta do it both ways

  13. Operation_Ivysaur

    Finally a positive sound bite from this miserable few days.

  14. coffeeconcierge

    How can you not love this dude? Get this man a statue outside chase when he retires

  15. complex-simpleton

    Oh lawd Loongod bouta grab 20 boards tomorrow

  16. Accomplished-Car2560

    Kill ‘em with kindness in the media Loon! Then hit them with full force on every play 😂 never seen anyone so gentle mannered who loves hitting people so much. I’m predicting either he fouls out, or goes for 20 and 20.

  17. austin_oz

    Damn I hate the warriors but loon is too good to hate. The Steven adams of the warriors what a guy

  18. happiwarriorgoddess

    Meaning Loon is coming in hot and putting refs on notice

  19. TheTownTeaJunky

    Yeah it’s great. They just need to stop calling things one way. Getting 2pts here and there because loon and others are getting shoved from behind, pulled down, etc completely changes the dynamic of the game.

  20. schudermcgavin

    That’d be nice if Looney got any love ever. Dude never jumps and people push him, go over his back, and hook him nonstop.

  21. ArtfulLying

    I think everyone agrees that Sabonis is not dirty, but when Loon is getting called for touching a dude, somethings wrong. Either call it physical or not. Just be consistent.

  22. Odd_Edge3719

    Respect for Looney rising sharply. On other news, Greene’s stock no longer listed on the board.

  23. richstyle

    Yes lets hope refs call the same ticky tack fouls on sabonis like they do on loondog.

  24. Fabulous_Investment6

    The guy has the big picture thinking of a 20 year vet, working as an assistant coach.

  25. couchtomato62

    You guys don’t remember when Fitz or kelena talked about how loon like to mix it up.? I don’t think I heard it this year but certainly last season. I’m just not buying all this image of Draymond Green and Looney as what physical players that never did any of the other little things. What have y’all been watching

  26. longschan

    But when Looney does it, it’s a foul

  27. duckquack10393

    It would be fine if they didnt call 1500 fouls on looney which made us have to bench him throughout the game

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