@National Basketball Association

[Cole] Dillon Brooks says he wish he would’ve gotten a chance to guard Miami or Cleveland LeBron James. “It would’ve been a harder task.”

[Cole] Dillon Brooks says he wish he would’ve gotten a chance to guard Miami or Cleveland LeBron James. “It would’ve been a harder task.”

by iksnet


  1. BBaron08

    Dudes a clown. 38 year old Bron still destroying this dude.

    Miami Bron would have eaten him alive

  2. numbnuts47

    Lmfao Idc what this sub says he’s great

  3. Babushka5

    This man is so good at being a heel ahaha

  4. urfaselol

    I respect the dude for wanting the challenge of guarding the best.

  5. ChiefKeefIsGoat

    Dillion brooks is #GoodForTheGame

  6. 5-Star_Fraud

    In a different life Dillon and PatBev were pro wrestlers

  7. Aux_God

    The NBA needs more guys like him I love this kinda shit

  8. thechemistrychef

    It’s so crazy how public opinion on trash talking players change. 2 seasons ago we thought Pat Bev was the devil and now his trolling is always praised, Dillon Brooks was the most hated player and the Warriors were the heros on Christmas but now it’s all flipped 💀

  9. burnerbabyburns

    As a Lebron fan I love this. Go at him man that’s what sports is all about

  10. BatmanHive

    As a wrestling fan, I cant hate on this man lol

  11. Dillion Brooks is Dillon Brooks’ biggest fan.

  12. andretheclutch

    im a Lebron stan, and im crying from these quotes lool, like he has to be self aware, this is too funny

  13. Awanderingleaf

    Lol 38 year old Lebron torched this guy for 28 points on 12-23 shooting. Prime Lebron would have never even noticed him on the floor.

  14. plzwalkslow

    Say what you want, Dillon Brooks is an S tier troll

  15. Vermillion_Crab

    Ngl this cracked me up. Lmao If the Lakers do not respond with a beating, they deserve to lose this series. Lol

  16. Alex_Sander077

    Gotta give him this one lmao that’s hilarious

  17. Adoree25

    Love him or hate him, this man has some balls. And the shit talk never stops. You almost have to respect it.

  18. WeissachDE

    Bro I respect the absolute audacity lmfao

  19. bookishwayfarer

    For once, someone is making all the renegade/dark side /evil dialogue choices that I’d never make in games and IRL.

  20. Waly_Disnep

    As an actual troll myself, I can respect it

  21. mmvvvpp

    Holy shit I’ve just come to a realisation… He’s just shit posting in real life isn’t he

  22. madvisuals

    NBA need heels like Dillon Brooks or Pat Bev. They are so entertaining

  23. undoxxchicken

    “Everybody acts tough when they’re ~~up~~ 1-1”

  24. kaygeeboo

    We need more Dillon Brooks type generational shit talkers. Keeps the old guard from calling the kids soft

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