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Draymond Green receives Gm 3 suspension in Warriors-Kings series, did NBA go too far? | NBA | SPEAK

Draymond Green will be suspended for the Golden State Warriors’ pivotal Game 3 against the Sacramento Kings for stomping on Domantas Sabonis late in the fourth quarter of Game 2. Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy, Ric Bucher, and David Helman react to the suspension and debate if the NBA went too far with the decision.

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Draymond Green receives Gm 3 suspension in Warriors-Kings series, did NBA go too far? | NBA | SPEAK



  1. When he got thrown out the warriors actually tied the game. Stop acting like when dray got ejected they went up by 20. Sabonis also missed 2 free throws in a row after Getting stomped. He wasn’t fine

  2. So disappointed in this show. It's been my favorite but man they are tripping lately. Draymond had both feet planted, wasn't moving yet didn't look like he was moving to head down the court looks at him, leg comes up and straight down on top of his chest. Draymond had been acting this way for years, I'm sorry skip and Shannon are actually rational on this situation. One of the only ones I've seen.
    Previous actions in life and in other sports shows intention of a player to do things that are detrimental to the game and doesn't need to be in the game. If he punched him, we wouldn't have this conversation. Except he didn't get suspended early this season for punching Poole.

  3. well this is interesting, i swear i saw a video with the two on the left saying how hard done by DG was, now its like they went into half time and swapped opinions 🙂

  4. They’re all missing the point (except Acho). Kids watch these games. They can’t watch someone get stomped like that, then see Draymond trying to intimidate the fans, and not see him get punished for his actions. This was a message that behavior like that isn’t tolerated; provoked or not. What Sabonis did was childish and silly. What Draymond did was embarrassing for the league. If he simply returns for game 3, then the lasting image is Draymond leaving the floor acting like a tough guy. No- he has to sit in the corner, like a child, and come out when he feels remorse…for game 4.

  5. Act like a child…sit in timeout. Nba wasn't the disrespectful one in this. These takes can't be taken seriously

  6. Just because Draymond and the Warriors did something good for the NBA doesnt mean they are entit.ed to get away with these things.

    Both players were wrong. Draymond got outsmarted. Its fair game. The suspension means the NBA wants Draymond to take it down a notch. Its just a 1 game suspension, GSW still has a chance.

  7. Why does so much of the media avoid blamming Draymond for putting himself in that position. Go watch the clip. Both feet are on the ground when Sabonis grabs him. Draymond could have just stood there and Sabonis would have gotten a tech, But instead Draymond picks up his foot and stomps him. Saying that is ok. Is like saying you should be aloud to Punch someone if they pull on your jersey. Also they mention in the suspension that his antics afterward towards the crowd added to the reason for suspension.

    2nd For everyone saying your prior punishments shouldn't affect you. Ask that to people who have received Felonies. The unfortunately have to live with them the rest of there lives. I have a family member who grew up on the southside of chicago. Was in the wrong place at the wrong time and reicieved a felony. He has been clean for 30 years still to this day he can't travel and if he every gets busted doing something risk getting more time then a first time offender.

  8. sebonis doesnt have a big history of dirty plays like draymond. when was the last time sebonis got ejected? u all sound lame and i rest my case

  9. They act like the warriors didn’t tie the game up 😂😂😂😂😂😂 they had a chance to win without draymond these fools say anything

  10. How do the media defend green? He's a dirty player, he made an outrageous decision. Stop treating him like a child.

  11. Why is everyone pretending that this incident ended with dreymonds stomp? If you have even half of a brain, it's obvious that this suspension is punishment for dreymonds behavior after he was ejected, not before.

  12. Here is the crazy part Joy is not only the prettiest panelist she is by far the most knowledgeable of them all also my dude in the grey suit Acho STOP the Jason Whitlock sports commentary no body is buying it dude!! You I'll be off air soon!!

  13. These guys really just want to talk about the warriors the rest of the playoffs because the Kings are too recent to have any narratives around them. Shady in particular is cooked if the suns, LeBron, and Warriors are bounced round one, kind of like Brandon Marshall was in 2021 when all the narrative teams got bounced early.

  14. S2pid defence for draymond green. Clearly about his history. Let it go, dgreen did that for himself. I dont see him getting suspended if he just went in their locker room after the ejection not standing on top of the chair and going at the fans, raising his hands like a WWE star lol

  15. I'm disappointed in the NBA too I'm not gonna lie, BUT let's not forget that Draymond Green has a rap sheet of dirty plays in the past. Even though I'm not surprised because it's Draymond, I too am very disappointed in the NBA and Comissioner Adam Silver.

  16. Dude.. look at the video… he let go of greens foot and still put his weight on sabonis chest and use him as a soring board!!!!! Bull shhhhhhhhh

  17. Can’t stand green supporters. Losing the game is not a punishment. Draymond wasn’t the only one playing. GS lost that game. And do some research he’s suspended because of his actions and history. Bad takes from everyone. Wow

  18. He stomped on a dudes chest in the middle of a bball game.
    You can’t do that in Football or even MMA lol.
    Wtf are we even talking about?

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