@Toronto Raptors

Masai Ujiri End Of Season Media Availability – 4/21/2023

Masai Ujiri End Of Season Media Availability – 4/21/2023

by Familiar_Mortgage783


  1. Fit-Introduction8575

    He said Dowtin is part of our future.

  2. earlyearlgray

    There’s a lot of talk of FVV losing his legs with so many minutes but Siakam had the most minutes played in the league this season. I think it’s unfair to judge how good he can actually be if he’s actually able to rest a little during games. Speed and quickness are keys to his success and that’s gonna falter with minutes played. I look forward to seeing how Masai can help him out with that.

  3. It’s interesting to hear that he doesn’t micro manage. So he’s been watching from afar and not doing anything until after the season?

  4. beachsunflower

    Like 4th – 5th time he said parity.

    I feel like Masai has a core in mind going into next year.

  5. Courseheir

    We’re not rebuilding, he thinks this team can compete because of “league parity” so presumably he tries to shuffle Fred and Gary for different guards somehow since he kept talking about selfish play, which is definitely aimed at Fred

  6. beachsunflower

    Lmaooooooooo Kobe just ending everyone’s hopes and dreams

  7. The Kobe sound bite sounds good but that just means he’s not taking accountability to building a good team.

    Also Timmy D was more prevalent than Kobe during his time in Denver

  8. DooWoptimusPrime

    Grange has Ujiri agitated for sure today.

  9. Kriztof_09

    Grange coming for him. Bit shocked tbh.

  10. No-Gift-2350

    I still have a feeling re-tooling is not the way to go

  11. mansmurf

    I think younger dudes may find Toronto attractive due to recent success but I don’t see vets signing here tbh

  12. StalkingDwarf

    Reporters fishing for that potential FVV/Scottie beef lmfao.

  13. PreventerWind1224

    I couldn’t hear Grange’s question. What did he ask?

  14. Stinky_DungBeatle

    Masai must still be high from yesterday is Malachi has ‘hidden talent’

    he had a rotation spot this year, he has a streaky shot and is a terrible playmaker and a freebie on the defensive end.

  15. Well that’s actually a lot more promising than I expected.

  16. Bro who is going to talk shit about their boss in public. Why even bother asking that question. Especially as a media member, your boss is the exact same boss as Masai’s

  17. LinuxF4n

    Doesn’t look like we’ll be rebuilding. It feels like we’re going the Hawks route from couple years ago where they were 2nd round team at best. Too good for draft, but not good enough to be a threat.

  18. Kriztof_09

    Plans to have OPJ back next season if he heals well.

  19. StalkingDwarf

    Will Lou asking about project 6’9″.

  20. Raptorsthrowaway1

    We can develop shooting. Fuck off Masai. We need actual NBA level shooters.

    We cant have another season of Chris Boucher being one of our best 3pt shooters

  21. DooWoptimusPrime

    So far he’s mentioned Koloko, Banton, Porter, Barnes as part of the team next year. Called OG a top guy, and Siakam an All-NBA player. Said Poeltl helped the team.

    Seemed 50/50 on Fred. Nothing on GTJr.

    Seems like if a big move comes it’s going to be through a trade for Siakam or OG.

  22. WillSmiff

    Sure sounds like he’s hinting changes are definitely coming. He’s not going to trash his leverage by outright saying we are dumping players.

  23. Ok_Avocado8815

    Shoulda traded Masai to the Knicks or Wizards. Now league knows he’s washed up.

  24. bleeblaabloo1

    Nick nurse “good luck with these players” lol

  25. aang721

    i really dont wanna run it back next year. i was happy giving fred and pascal the keys the season after tampa but two years later and losing the goat head coach its time to hit the reset button,

    i feel like this take is on the hellaa patient side of the coin as well, but it just sounds like they are running it back -gary plus a new coach

  26. BurzyGuerrero

    I think it’s funny that everybody is pointing to FVV as the selfish one but to me that was another shot at GTJ but I feel like the sub has made Fred = selfish a thing.

    I still think they extend Fred and let GTJ walk for nothing.


    Thought Grange asked some pretty good questions, he’s been openly critical with the direction that the team has taken over the course of this season

  28. Scase15


  29. cad_internet

    I like Jeff Dowtin, but the dude’s almost 26 and he’s not yet an NBA regular. Even if he pans out we’re talking low-ceiling, here. I’m pretty ambivalent about keeping him. Sounds like they will.

    They need to do a lot more than just try out the same rotation of young bench players. They need new blood. Bring in faster and more athletic guards. Please.

    Masai was never going to directly point out players’ flaws during the presser, but I wished he touched upon the lack of basketball IQ on the team more. GTJ, Precious, Boucher, just 3 of the lower BBIQ guys in the league. I don’t think you can have 3 of these players on the same team. Sounds like GTJ is gone, though.

    Again, hard to conclude anything from this presser, but did not like how he didn’t criticize how poorly FVV played for most of the year. He said he got better in the second half, but that’s very debatable. Fact is, he shot like shit this year, and if they are bringing him back, he needs to take 12 shots a game, not 16. And that’s with *this* roster. If there’s more shooting next year, I want to see him shoot even less. Masai made it a huge point that he didn’t enjoy watching this team play this year. Well, fix the obvious problem. No more jacking up early 3s by someone who isn’t good enough to take them.

    I like Siakam’s game, but if Masai thinks he’s a true #1 star then his evaluation is off.

    I like Poeltl as well, but Masai overrated him a bit. I still do not buy his explanation at all. You can retool without giving out FRPs.

    The presser was basically what I expected, minus NN getting fired. Not a huge fan of the responses, but let’s wait and see what they actually do in the offseason.

  30. TheCherubRocker

    Which reporter wasted his question asking about 15th man Jeff Dowtin Jr? I’d rather hear Masai’s take on the play-in game and DeMar’s daughter. Seriously.

  31. WickedRuiner

    Scottie: I’M NOT A BABY IM A BIG BOY

    Scottie already in the lab.

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