@Golden State Warriors

Doc Rivers’ spot on rant in defense of Draymond


by taygads


  1. MiNDGaMeS87

    And he’s right about that. What we do here is punish the bear that killed the guy who was taunting and spitting in the bears face before.

  2. loongod5

    Don’t post this in r/nba they’ll find where you live and murder your family

  3. wine_and_cheeze

    Did he say this after the Embiid kick? Because it sounds like he doesn’t want to set a precedent for Embiid to be suspended too

  4. tyrusthomas11

    NBA script is wild this year. 76th season is getting juicy.

  5. Dynasty_30

    Never thought I’d agree with Doc Rivers on something but here we are

    He’s spitting straight facts. The fact that Sabonis didn’t get punished at all is truly pathetic. I hope he dares to try his dirty bullshit again and see what happens to him.

    Fuck around and find out

  6. yodaspeaker

    He touches on something that always bothered me about the Green suspension. That past actions can accumulate to a suspension.

    Per season, you get a certain amount of techs, it’s a suspension. During the playoffs, you get enough flagrant points, it’s a suspension. These are clear lines that have been articulated to players.

    But with Draymond’s suspension, they never articulated what the line is. It’s completely obscure when this punishment will be warranted again.

    If Dillon Brooks has a violent incident in the playoffs, is his ejection last playoffs or all his techs this season going to affect the decision? Someone on r/NBA yesterday showed that Joel Embiid has had similar flagrant fouls to Dray in half the games. Is that going to factor into any future punishments? Or is this just a Draymond specific punishment?

  7. Herbetet

    He is just being a hypocrite because he is afraid Embiid will get the same consequences. He is just trying to make sure he doesn’t lose best player in this playoffs

  8. electricHats75

    The instigator should always be punished harder or just as hard imho

  9. mohajaf

    This is far from a new precedence. This started when LeBron stepped over Draymond and got Draymond ejected for game 5 and suspended out of game 6.

    However, I still say Draymond’s provocative clowning bullshit during ref review deserved punishment by itself.

  10. jearold_

    Great points. And he’s defending Embiid who has more career flagrant fouls than Draymond.

  11. walkingthecows

    I read all that with his half gone after game voice. It’s not on Blake.

  12. i_like_2_travel

    Dray 100% should not have been suspended. Been arguing with people irl. I do think a flagrant should’ve been assessed to him. But like where else are you supposed to put your foot in that situation?

    I think he was extra with the stomp that’s why I don’t mind him getting the flagrant possibly even a 2. But no way he should’ve been suspended. The nba was just put in a shitty situation and made a shitty decision but I’m glad the warriors figured it out.

  13. _imposter_syndrome

    I love rooting against Doc but he’s pretty spot on here. About all of it.

  14. Used_Water_2468

    It’s like what happens in schools these days.

    The bully punches your kid. Your kid retaliates. Your kid gets suspended and you’re in the principal’s office getting a lecture. Meanwhile the bully is free to go.

  15. brown_lal19

    Sabonis was a dirty bitch in Indy too

  16. BelleIce

    There’s been like a dozen current/former players that have said they would stomp on Sabonis in the same situation. All paid off by the Warriors award winning PR team according to r/nba.

    Doc, Shaq, Richard Jefferson, Channing Frye, Paul George, JJ Redick, Pistons Isiah Thomas, Celtics Isiah Thomas, Lillard, Nurkic, Sochan, probably a lot more I’m missing.

  17. forcedtojoinreddit

    please post this to the main sub please

  18. Ninjasakii

    In America, the victims are always punished more. How many bullies kids have we seen get harder punishments vs the bullies?

  19. ManufacturerJumpy748

    Breaking news that Joel and Harden will not get suspended either. So the NBA front office is just….trash.

  20. imrickjamesbioch

    Dang, I actually agree with Doc on something. JJ has been holding it down as well with all the bullshit antics the kings have been doing and the league ain’t shit. The constant pulling Dray to the floor, the over the backs, the forearm shoves by Sabonis whenever he touches the ball, and my favorite Sabonis running into Dray from behind and Dray getting called for the foul. I won’t even get into all the holding they’re doing to Curry.

    I hate complaining about the refs and typically the media won’t say anything but shit been out of hand the first two games. They even threw my boi E-40 out of game 1…

  21. Scoob8877

    He’s right. And that’s what frustrates the players and leads to more stuff later. The league punishes the retaliator much more than the instigator. The way to get this stuff to stop is to punish them both the same. Sabonis knows he got away with something and Draymond knows Sabonis got away with something.

    Doc is right about fake tough guys like Claxton. He’d wet his pants and run away if he had to face Embiid anywhere outside of an NBA game.

  22. AtomicBlastCandy

    Yup! Coaches like Jason Kidd are going to start sending out their 13th man to try to instigate against a star.

  23. gobigbread

    Y’all are the most sensitive fan base I’ve ever seen. Jeeeesh

  24. TheOneYardLine

    I’m sick of this conversation, we just won by 20 without Draymond yesterday, let’s just move on

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