@Milwaukee Bucks

New green court! (Pic from @ChrisWagner87 on Twitter)

New green court! (Pic from @ChrisWagner87 on Twitter)

by jstew262


  1. VexdCheese

    Looks really nice! I do miss the M leaves tho, ngl

  2. Tremor0135

    Finally, blue is my favorite color but that court was hard to look at.

  3. SparklezSagaOfficial

    Ngl I kinda dig the asymmetrical border

  4. tombacca1

    This is different than the way it was. Didn’t it have a large deer head without words?

  5. WeefBellington24

    I can’t tell if it’s new or just the old court because I haven’t seen the green court in forever

  6. Local_Spinach8

    Am I the only one who liked the old green court more? Obviously this is an upgrade over blue but I liked the camo pattern and how it just had the deer head instead of the full logo

  7. FunkoPoppa

    Hopefully it’s debuted at the next home playoff game. I was getting real sick of the Blue court

  8. MyOhMyPancakes

    It’s as beautiful as the day we lost it.

  9. It’s beautiful ![img](emote|t5_2t10o|27041)

  10. PischPosch

    Finally! I love the blue court but only in limited doses, I’m basically completely over it at this point. Give me a purple and green throwback court next year.

  11. Sobes022

    The blue sidelines and baselines look like painter’s tape.

  12. FiestyPumpkin04

    Oh man I was really hoping for something retro with the 70’s buck

  13. LTtheBasedGod

    I prefer the previous one, but I like the wood a lot. Interesting to see the full logo again, I had thought we had fazed it out

  14. velolziraptor

    I thought they phased out the circular logo. The stand-alone buck is the best, imo

  15. an_illiterate_ox

    Still waiting for the blaze orange court.

  16. LargeSizeBox

    Anything is better than that blue abomination

  17. bigbobo33

    I had a wild idea for the court that they are free to take if they are reading this.

    Like the antlers on the side motif of the jerseys but on the side of the court could be cool as hell.

    I also would love a purple jersey with the antlers up the side.

    I hope they’re reading this and do it.

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