@Philadelphia 76ers

Nic Claxton targeting Embiid’s lower back on a rebound in consecutive games

Nic Claxton targeting Embiid’s lower back on a rebound in consecutive games

by jeppsforst


  1. newman0834

    Just like the raptors last year, going for injuring when they know they’re going to lose

  2. jeppsforst

    I for one am sick of our severely outmatched 1st round opponents resorting to subtle dirty tactics. This is now the 2nd straight year where Joel will enter the 2nd round hobbled because the first round opponent was intentionally reckless

  3. TheSixthPistol

    They’ve been doing that since Game 1? If Embiid tries to go set up on the post, watch ANY Nets player just straight up hit Embiid on the lower back or at least just dig their forearms on his back while fighting for position. Less talented teams resort to physicality when they can’t beat talent.

  4. TTP2521

    We need to put Montrezl in the game and have him take claxton out in mid air when he’s going up for a lob. It’s always the shitty teams that try to injure star players in the playoffs

  5. unbelievre

    Is this common? I’ve never noticed it before, but now I’m wondering if it’s just a standard thing guys do to try to get an edge. Like did defenders do this to Shaq a lot too?

  6. Niceguydan8

    There have been at least 1 or 2 other instances where this has happened and even before this Embiid stuff – I think it should be punished more heavily.

    Another example of this is Portis doing this to Love in either Game 1 or 2 of the MKE/MIA series.

  7. LordLucasSixers

    Sit Embiid for game 4 and let Maxey kill these bums

  8. Ok_Mountain_4638

    Hopefully sixers retaliate and pop clax in the mouth. Dude is trash

  9. jaygord34

    And refs were letting it happen. Refs should be fined at the minimum for this blatant disregard to a player’s safety.

    I hope Embiid is suspended for game 4 and we let Montrezl and Dedmon just kidney punch people as they go up for rebounds

  10. Stormy_Blunderbuss

    Not a god damn fucking word about this on r/NBA. Because of course not

  11. loneliness_sucks_D

    Where’s the clip of the 12-6 elbow straight down onto his back? Was that Claxton or someone else?

  12. How2Mate8

    We need to introduce playoff PJ Tucker to Claxton silly ass.

  13. Halfonion

    Their plan was pretty clear last night…make Joel pay every time you possibly can. It almost worked because the refs completely swallowed there whistles when we were on offense (unless ofc it was to call and offensive foul). But Jo does have to be better when guys are constantly targeting him, like all the great where able to do, and Jo knows this.

    We’re going to be sweeping these bozo’s clean off the court on Saturday, we’re coming for that ass.

  14. Grozdaddy

    Time for Trez to get some minutes and return the favor.

  15. TRoosevelt1776

    Embiid needs to put super glue all over his back before the next game like Norm Macdonalds character did to the crossing guard at the beginning of Dirty Work.

  16. HoagieTwoFace

    Don’t worry guys it’s not like Embiid has a stress fracture in his back before. 😐

  17. duradtherad

    This shit is not a basketball play!! So goddamn annoying.

  18. BroJady

    I wouldn’t say targeting his lower back so much as trying to be extremely physical. But same result: wearing Embiid down (or injuring him).

    Clearly Jacque directed his team to make it as ugly as possible. They’re desperate and on plan D by now.

  19. Can we have a real conversation about embiid and some of his faults in the playoffs? Why does he let everything get to him? I am sick of seeing him give the haters ammunition to shit talk him. From his fragile emotions where he lets players take him mentally out of a game, to his flopping.

    I don’t understand why he had to fall over when Royce gave him a little push on the perimeter last night. He’s 7 feet tall and heavier than everyone else. Does it not embarrass him when watching his tape seeing himself flop over when a guy 9 inches smaller than him mark him up?

    The claxton cheap shot to his back under the rim was one thing, but why the hell is he always falling over trying to bait fouls. It’s getting to the point where I myself am saying “get up!”.

    I love him like everyone else here but this is getting unwatchable. Then on top of that he starts moping around when things aren’t going to his plans.

  20. hasordealsw1thclams

    The NBA is a joke. Won’t even protect their stars (especially big men) from obvious bullshit then act shocked when they flip out.

  21. theodros1

    If I got hit like this all game, I’d flop too


    he’s rebounding the basketball lmao

    i hate the nets as much as anyone but this is a MASSIVE reach

  23. dgood527

    Man watching this back it sure seems more calculated than i first assumed.

  24. jawny-appleseed

    claxton would be kicked out of the league if he was doing this to nba golden boys like giannis and jokic

  25. ChatiKathy

    Flagrant much. Damn refs need to pay attention to what is going on I’m the court rather than their bill folds. You can still buy a ring people.

  26. MotivationalMike

    Is it something about heavy dogs in the first round? They tell themselves if they are going down they are “going down swinging.” Just give me the Celtics so we can watch two teams that want to play basketball.

  27. SendNubes__

    Nic claxton a fuxkin nobody, thinks he’s doing something, a la John Collins. Get swept bum

  28. DrewFlan

    Those are normal plays. This sub needs to stop whining.

  29. It’s pretty clear that the Nets were instructed to make the game overly physical, try to bait Embiid into situations, and to flop to get Embiid and Harden into foul trouble. I think Claxton took it a bit too far, but I get it.

    Obviously, I don’t want to see anybody get hurt or suspended, but if I was a Nets fan, I’d want Claxton to talk shit and not back down. They’re way outmatched and it’s honestly their only shot.

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